
Tuesday 26 November 2019

Science - Climate Change

In science, we've been learning about fuels and climate section in our scipad. Today we are looking at the greenhouse effect, effects of global warming, and the solutions to climate change.

The greenhouse effect is a process where the radiation from the sun gets trapped inside in a atmosphere making it warmer. 

Effects of global warming - More diseases as the temperature will get warmer allowing tropical animals to live longer, different weather patterns such as cyclones may happen more commonly, ice might spread as Antarctica will melt, and many more.

What is the solution to climate change - Preventing the burning of fossil fuels, transportation also causes greenhouse gases, preventing the cutting of trees, and lots more can be done.

Thursday 21 November 2019

English - Greta Thunberg

Today at English, we looked at a video on a girl who talked about climate change and how people are relying on children to do something about climate change. This girl was Greta Thunberg and nothing really interested me since I don't really know anything about climate change other than change in temperature.

The Presenter suggested the point of view on how Greta Thunberg is idiot. 

How are children constructed - The children are constructed as tools for the media to believe.

What is the viewers position? The viewers position is to decide what side they will take that what it seems like to me. 

Tuesday 19 November 2019

English - Boys and Girls Comparison

In English, we've been learning about boys and girls and how they are compared against each other. Today we looked at much videos to see how they are compared. We watched a total 5 music videos, 2 of them were boys having control over girls and the girls didn't look like they were having a good time. Other 2 was having a female singing while males in the background and it seemed the male had a better time than the girls in the other 2 videos. Last one was about girls breaking the rules.

Monday 11 November 2019

SoSt - Treaty Research

In social studies we've been researching about treaties. I research about U.K or United Kingdom which is lot of countries joined together but specifically Scotland and England. However my work isn't finish just yet.

Here is the link to the Doc - The Doc

Friday 8 November 2019

Science - Rock Cycle Diagram

Here is my Rock Cycle Diagram

Wednesday 23 October 2019

E-asTTle Practice Writing - Persuasive

In English we've being practising some persuasive writing then marking ourselves on what level we think we are, and then we try to improve from there.

I am aiming to improve my writing in the following 3 areas: Organisation, Punctuation, and Structure Language.

I will do this by: For Organisation I will look through all my paragraphs and my sentences to make sure they link.
For Punctuation I will experiment with different punctuation and maybe re-write my sentences to make sure they make sense.
For Structure and Language I will use different writing languages such as similes and rhetorical questions.
Swimming Lessons Should be Compulsory for all Students

Swimming lessons should be compulsory for all students as they teach people how to handle themselves in water, thus preventing them from drowning and how to utilise their own movement in water to keep themselves safe.

Learning how to swim is important because it gives you the skills to prevent you from drowning or just holding yourself above the water, and these two skills can delay you from drowning to wait for help or just pull yourself out of the water to safety. These skills are important to to young kids as they don’t know how to handle themselves in water as they may be in a state of panic.

Knowing how to swim not only keeps you out of danger in water but it can also be used in sport, you can win prizes in swimming sports and even represent your country. Swimming is a unique sport unlike other popular sports where you have a ball to shoot to the other teams goal to win. Swimming is a sport where you race others using different swimming techniques also there are other types of sports taken in a pool such as diving. Knowing how to keep yourself safe in water can also lead you to be a professional swimmer who can earn prizes such as money.

Knowing how to swim can benefit you in many ways; winning prizes or saving yourself in unexpected events. Knowing how to swim is important especially to young children as they are at risk of drowning without the knowledge of knowing how to swim. Would you have your children not knowing how to swim?

Yellow Highlighted Words are the changed words.

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Science - Volcano

In science we've been recently learning about volcanoes. The volcano I chose is the one in Pompeii which covered the entire city in ash, including the people living there.

How were Volcanoes formed?

Volcanoes are formed when magma from the upper mantle makes it way to the surface.

Where is this Pompeii volcano? 

In Pompeii, Italy.

When did it last erupt?

It last erupted in March, 1944 although the eruption that covered the entire city in ash was in 79 AD.

Damage done?

If we are talking about the most known eruption it covered the entire city of Pompeii in volcanic ash in two days. This made the city really dangerous which led the city being forgotten for 1500 years. However this city is still dangerous as the volcano only last erupted around 100 years ago.


This Volcano has erupted around 50 times.
This volcano is still active
You can see images of bodies covered in ash when the big eruption happened in 79 AD.

Volcano Eruption Experiment

For Science we've been building a volcano known as Ulawun, which is a volcano in Papua New Guinea. Everybody chose their own volcano to build and erupt.

Here is our videos and photos.

Monday 21 October 2019

Social Studies - Maori Gods

In Social Studies, we've been learning about different type of gods especially Maori gods. We've learning about different deity of gods and then comparing different gods with the same deity.


Tuesday 24 September 2019

Physical Education - Gymnastic Sequences

For P.E we've been doing gymnastics for the past 2 weeks learning about different type of sequences that can be done with equipment or no equipment.

For my 3 sequences I did the floor and the trampoline

We were given 3 sequences from 1 being the easiest and 3 being the hardest I did 2 easy sequences and attempted 1 hard one. 

Here are my videos.

English - Collage

For English we had to make a collage of various stuff. We were given a list of stuff that pictures can represent.

Here is my collage

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Science - Land Yacht/ Wind Racer

In science we are going to build a land yacht and then have a competition with them to see who's the fastest.

Aim: To make the fastest land yacht and win the competition.


  • Make Fins/Wings out of paper 
  • Make a sail out of paper
  • Use Cupboard as support

We came second but we could've came first if ours didn't fall over. Our time and distance were kind of close to first place but they could've been way ahead of us if there wasn't anything block their path.

Our distance travelled - 19.8m
Our Time - 15.1 Seconds
Our Velocity - 1.311

1st Place Distance Travelled - 23.2
1st Place Time - 18.12 Seconds
1st Place Velocity - 1.28

Velocity Formula - Velocity = Distance/Time


This activity was fun but I wish we got more time to build so we can make ours the fastest.


This activity was kind of hard because there are different factors that affect the balance and speed of the land yacht when your outside cause today it was windy.


Monday 9 September 2019

English - Relationship Task

For English one of our post reading task was to write and talk about a relationship between two characters and to see how that relationship help us understand one of the two characters.

The character we chose was Inan and we came up with multiple things about him mostly negative though.

From what we got about Inan is that he isn't trustworthy and he isn't committed to his friendship as he keeps switching sides. Inan although is caring but the way he tries to work things out it never goes his way.

Wednesday 4 September 2019

English - Children of Blood and Bone Incidents

In English we are looking at how an incident can change the course of the story.

Body 1 -The incident of Amari stealing the scroll and finding Zelie helped me to understand the idea of power of friendship to achieve goals because when Zelie and Amari first meet they are on bad terms but later on in the story they got to know each other much more and now they support each other which gives them the power to achieve goals. We see this in the text when Zelie says "I used to think you are weak,"

Body 2 - The Incident of Amari stealing the scroll and finding Zelie helped me to understand the idea of power of friendship to achieve goals because when Zelie feels hopeless about restoring magic because she couldn't feel her magic, but Zelie talks to Amari to express her worries and Amari gives Zelie some encouragement to ease her worries. 

Monday 2 September 2019

English - Essay Pre-Planning

For English we've have been doing a sort of reflection on the book Children of Blood and Bone. We've been given some questions to answer.

1. What is going to be my 'key event'?

My key event was the solstice where they had to bring magic back.

2. Who is going to be my 'important character'?

Zelie is my important character because she has a really important job that she can't fail

3. What are 3 ways the character changed as a result of this event?

My character changed from being afraid to mad - When her father dies.

My character changed from being hopeless to ambitious - When she gets her magic back again giving her chance to fight back

My character changed from being accompanied to being alone - When she feels accompanied with the help of her mercenaries and friends until one of her family member dies again.

Social Science - Pyramids Research

In social studies we are learning about pyramids on how they are built and why they are built.

During Egypt times they discovered Mathematics, Paper and Writing. I think these discoveries helped them build pyramids especially maths. Geometry is what we use for shapes today but they could've also applied that to pyramids. Maths is something important the Egyptians discovered that has been used to this day that help them and us.

Pyramids were built with the help of lots of people and using technology during their time. Pyramids were built on stone and limestone. People back then had to carry heavy stones and separate stones. They also made technology that we have today but in a way we can't understand.

Tuesday 27 August 2019

Social Studies - Cave Drawing

In Social Studies we are starting to learn about traditional cave art. We are making our own cave art in traditional colours but we are painting the stuff that are important to our life instead of what our ancestors experienced.

I have a picture of a monkey on a tree which just represent my zodiac animal. Then I have another one of digital technology but it back then technology was just stone tools. I also have one which is a fast food restaurant which can be a food storage back then.

I guess these things can relate to each other but one is just more advanced.

These things are important because the zodiac monkey animal kind of relates to me. Digital Technology is a must have or else it will just be boring. Food is also important.

Monday 26 August 2019

English Written Text - Relating to the Real World - Chapter 79 Zelie

Final Writing Prompt for Children of Blood and Bone. Chapter 79.

Chapter 79 – Zélie
Inan’s amber eyes trap me in the truth of his betrayal, but it isn’t the gaze I
know. He’s a stranger. A soldier. The shell of the little prince.

This could be compared to when you're fighting a battle for your country and you end up seeing one of your friends from the other country you're fighting but you know you have to fight them. 

Thursday 22 August 2019

English Written Text - Relating to the Real World - Chapter 74 Inan

Writing Prompt for Chapter 74 from Children of Blood and Bone. This quote talks about one of the recently characters who used to be evil but he turns good and now he's going to betrayal them.

Chapter 74 – Inan

King Saran firmly believes in duty over self. Peace between maji and kosidán
failed in the past, so he does not want to try again. Inan believes he must make a similar choice between his country and his heart. He makes the same choice as his father, even though the majacite
sword blisters his own skin (this is symbolism). Inan gives up everything to be everything his Father wants.

This could be compared to someone who wanted to be on the good side and wanted a better world for everyone but then he gets convinced that someones evil desires are better. He doesn't care about himself only about what that other person wants.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

Social Studies - Technology Paragraph

For our new subject in Social Studies we are learning about technology on how it evolved over the years and how it impacted our lives in a good or bad way. 

Paragraph Question - Are students addicted to their cellphones? If so, is that a problem?

Technology Paragraph

I think most students are addicted to their cellphones and yes it's a bad thing. It can separate you from others which ends up making you lose contact of others. It's addiction can also distract you from working/learning. This can also keep people up late at night making them not getting enough sleep.

Monday 19 August 2019

English Written Text - Relating to the Real World - Chapter 63

Writing prompt for Chapter 63 from Children of Blood and Bone. This takes place when one of the main characters got captured and is interrogated by the king.

Chapter 63 - Zélie
“You know what intrigues me about your kind? You always start in the middle
of the story. As if my father didn’t fight for your rights. As if you maggots didn’t
burn my family alive.”
“You can’t enslave an entire people for the rebellion of a few.”

Saran bares his teeth. “You can do whatever you want when you’re the king.”

This could be compared to you trying to correct someone's actions but you don't know what they have gone through so your actions are not exactly good. 

English Written Text - Relating to the Real World - Chapter 61 Zelie

The writing prompt for Chapter 61 from Children of Blood and bone. 

Chapter 61 – Zélie
Tears sear my vision, falling fast down my face. A Healer. A child.

Yet her last moments are stained with hate.

A message I take from this scene is even if you do good stuff for the world and lots of people appreciate it, that still doesn't mean that everyone is on your side. Basically getting betrayed by the people you tried to help.

Friday 16 August 2019

Social Studies - Technology

For Social Studies we've been researching about technology on how it impacts our lives and how it changed over the years. We made slide comparing different technology of the past and present.

Here is the definition of Technology given to us. 
Technology is the creative process that utilises tools, resources and systems to solve problems. It also enhances control over natural and man made environments to improve our lives.

Here is our slide, It's about comparing old and new technologies to see how different things are now. The old stuff can be from the anytime in the past.

Thursday 15 August 2019

English Written Text - Relating to the Real World - Chapter 56 Zelie

Chapter 56 writing prompt for Children of Blood and Bone. This writing prompt is about experiencing peace again after a long time.

Chapter 56 – Zélie
We zip through the crowd while celebrants thrust and shimmy by our sides.
Though part of me wants to cry, I crane my neck to take in the crowd, craving
their joy, their life.
The children of Orïsha dance like there’s no tomorrow, each step praising the
gods. Their mouths glorify the rapture of liberation, their hearts sing the
Yoruba songs of freedom. My ears dance at the words of my language, words I
once thought I’d never hear outside my head. They seem to light up the air
with their delight.

It’s like the whole world can breathe again.

This message can be compared to feeling peace after experiencing something tragic such as war or just anything that makes you feel your always in danger.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

English Written Text - Relating to the Real World - Chapter 59 Zelie

Chapter 59 Writing Prompt on the book Children of Blood and Bone. This writing prompt is about a prince who has too much confidence.

Chapter 59 – Zélie
“How will me coming back to Lagos solve any of that?” I ask. “As we speak,
your father calls for my head!”
“My father’s scared.” Inan shakes his head. “He’s misguided, but his fear is justified. All the monarchy’s ever seen is the destruction maji can bring.
They’ve never experienced anything like this.” He gestures to the camp, face
alight with so much hope his smile practically glows in the darkness. “Zulaikha
created this in one moon, and there are already more diviners in Lagos than
anywhere else in Orïsha. Just imagine what we could accomplish with the

resources of the monarchy behind us.”

This could be compared to someone who believes everything will go his way and everyone will back him up even if he's now a threat to them. 

I believe that this plan of his won't work or won't go his way because even if he has all the people who can use magic on the enemies, the enemies will fight back and will cause another war.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

Science - Magnet Experiment

In science we've been looking at experiments we can do ourselves. Our group decided to do this experiment where we make a copper wire spin by having it connected to a battery with magnets on it.

In the end it didn't work probably because our wires were in the wrong length and shape. It might've also be the battery or the magnets fault but we don't really know.

Next time we do this experiment we will measure things out first for more chance at success. 

The experiment video that we're trying to do is here.

Monday 12 August 2019

English Written Text - Relating to Real World - Chapter 52 Amari

Chapter 52 Writing Prompt is about one of the main characters who believed that his father is right and the special people known as Maji are evil, and now he is switching to the good side.

Chapter 52 – Amari
“I’ll prove myself to you, to all of you,” Inan declares. “You’re on the right side
of this. My only desire is to stand there as well.”
“Good.” I lean forward to hug him, holding on to his promise.
But when his hands wrap around my back, all I can think of are how his fingers are resting just above my scars.

A message I take from this scene is people can redeem themselves once the realise what they are doing wrong. 

Do you trust Inan? Does he deserve a second chance?
I believe he does deserve a second chance because he did risk his life to save Zelie which was the person he was after the whole time to kill her.

Do people in real life deserve second chances?
Depends on what they did like for example if someone did something really bad they don't deserve a second chance but if someone did something that's not that bad they may deserve a second chance.

Friday 9 August 2019

DTE Javascript - Conditionals Reflection

For our second semester in DTE we've been doing some coding using javascript. Javascript is one of the most common programming languages. We've used Spheroedu as a way to learn how to program with javascript.

For one of our task we've been using Conditionals which is a thing when a condition is met such as a certain speed has been reached it will play a audio. This conditional was used in a game where we pass the ball the each other and it will play an animal sound.


Where did you struggle the most in this activity
I struggle the most typing out code cause it's really confusing and it's hard to remember what each code does.

What was the easiest part for you
The easiest part was probably coding it to show colours because it's one of the most easiest code to remember.

What is a Conditional
Conditional is when a action is performed when a certain condition is met.

What was the Conditional in the game
The conditional was when a certain speed was reached even if you don't throw it then it will play a animal sound.

Why does the while loop never stop
There was a code with no stopping case so it will repeat the action.

If you wanted it to stop, how might you write this differently
Change the while loop statement to false instead of true.

Thursday 8 August 2019

English Written Text - Children of Blood and Bone - Chapter 49 Amari

Children of Blood and Bone writing prompt for Chapter 49 Amari. Amari is the daughter of the king who took away magic and slayed magicians or known as maji's.

Chapter 49 – Amari
Strike, Amari.
Father’s voice rings in my head, but it’s not his strength I need.
Be brave, Amari. Binta soothes instead.

Be the Lionaire.

This message can be compared to someone who tried to get manipulated by someone but someone else saves them from that manipulation in a way.

Tuesday 6 August 2019

English - Close Viewing Essay Reflection

This is my Close Viewing Essay Reflection which was written last term. The subject we were learning was visual text.


In the film ‘The Power of One’ by John Avildsen which is about the apartheid in Africa where the blacks and whites are separated and one is treated unfairly. In one particular scene where we see two characters running through the streets of the home of the Africans, we can gather lots of information about the life of the Africans. In the scene where we can see P.K and Duma running together, we can gather lots of information from that scene via multiple film techniques that are not only visual but through sound as well. This running scene is mostly portrayed through long shots with tracking, dialogue, and diegetic sound as well. The ones that stand the most out to me is the long shot with tracking and diegetic sounds. 

Paragraph 1 In the running scene, most shots are long shots looking at a scene until P.K and Gideon Duma which will turn into a tracking shot showing a lot of information in the background. When we see P.K and Duma start running the camera tracks them. However, the camera also stays in one spot until the scene is changed into where we see a lot of people walking and a car passing by. When P.K and Duma appear closer to the camera will start tracking them from a medium distance where we can see the line for the toilet. The director did this so we can observe how the Africans live in the movie without having Duma and P.K interact as much. This lets the audience figure out what’s happening without having the two characters to have much dialogue. This technique created an impact because the long shots gave us information on how Africans would live their lives unfairly. Other shots such as the tracking one can give us extra information like that one time an African got kicked off a truck because he didn’t know it was out of bounds. This is important because this technique allows us to gather information by looking at the background where stuff is happening while Duma explains a bit more in detail.

Paragraph 2

The diegetic sounds we can hear can give us lots of information not only by P.K and Duma but also by other Africans singing or talking. When P.K and Duma start running together diegetic sounds can be heard basically all over the scene. P.K and Duma are the main focuses though while the others in the background or the start of a new camera angle can be heard more clearly. The director did this to let us the audience know that the Africans are still living and struggling even when they aren’t on camera in the movie universe. We know this because of how Duma said the Africans work hard every day to have a good tomorrow and we have visual evidence as well when people are using wheelbarrows and some are singing while mining. This created an impact on the audience because we now know how hard working the Africans are to secure themselves are good tomorrow while the whites have privilege over them because they are allowed to silence them even when it’s not their discussion. This can be contrasted when Duma’s home and people get invaded by the Europeans. During this scene, there were lots of diegetic sounds making it only possible to make out a few sounds while the others just felt like extra background effects. We can take away that having too much sounds at the same time won’t give us extra information but make it harder.

Paragraph 3

When visual and audio techniques are put together they can produce the best results, if it’s used properly it can give us lots of information and more entertaining. Going back to the running scene with Duma and P.K there were lots of good examples of this. When the camera angles changed we would have either a long or medium shot, thus showing people doing stuff while Duma explains what really is happening shortly after. The director did this so we can try to interpret it ourselves until one of the characters explains it for us. The director could’ve also let us just to experience the scene and have the characters explain it to us without us being left confused. The impact of this technique is to let us experience enjoy the movie without us really wondering what’s happening throughout the movie as everything is easily explained by the movie. This reminds of when early in the movie when P.K was still a kid he would explore Africa with Doc. Doc would say that you will always come across an answer in nature. What Doc said was important because P.K wasn’t certain about teaching the Africans English until he stumbled across a waterfall in nature. P.K explained that a waterfall starts with one drop of water then he says what comes from that to his school professor.


In the movie, The Power of One, the running scene with Duma and P.K shows us multiple camera and audio techniques that are used effectively. These techniques were combined in a way that we finished the movie without really being confused about a particular scene. The running scene with the longshot, tracking, and sounds gave us lots of information because of how they were used one after another. 


What Am I Proud of - I'm proud that I was able to write this much within a 2 week span. I'm also proud that I could start off really well.

What can I do (Specifically) to Improve next time. - I can use more punctuation next time and maybe work on this at home for some time.

What is one thing I enjoyed learning about film - That you get to watch a movie without doing work for the first time so basically a break from work.

What is one thing I found challenging about learning about film? - That you have to pay attention to all the detail in film to get ideas on what to write about.

What is one thing I found useful/I will use next time I write an essay? - Maybe ask others on what they saw in the film that I didn't see or hear

What is one thing I am wondering about to do with writing about Visual Texts? - That if you get to watch a movie every time you do a study on this.

Thursday 1 August 2019

English Written Text - Relating to The Real World - Chapter 39 Inan

Children of Blood and Bone Writing Prompt for Chapter 39.

Chapter 39 - Inan
My hand shakes. The moment to kill still hangs between us. Yet I can’t bring
myself to move.
Not when all I see is the scared and broken girl.
It’s like seeing her for the first time: the human behind the maji. Fear
embedded in the pain. Tragedy caused in Father’s name.
The truth sears, a bitter liquor burning down my throat.
Zélie’s memories don’t hold the villains Father always warned of. Only families

he tore apart.

A message I take from this scene is basically don't judge a book by it's cover cause you might not know about there past or how they act in different environments. 

Wednesday 31 July 2019

English Written Text - Relating to the Real World - Chapter 36 Zelie

Children of Blood and Bone Writing Prompt for Chapter 36.

Chapter 36 - Zélie
“Those are father’s words, Inan. His decisions. Not yours. We are our own
people. We make our own choices.”
“But he’s right.” Inan’s voice cracks. “If we don’t stop magic, Orïsha will fall.”

His eyes return to me, and I tighten my grip on my staff. Try it, I want to bark.
I’m done running away.
Amari redirects Inan’s line of vision, her delicate hands cupping the back of his
“Father is not the future of Orïsha, brother. We are. We stand on the right side
of this. You can stand there, too.”
Inan stares at Amari, and for a moment I don’t know who he is. The ruthless
captain; the little prince; the scared and broken maji? There’s a longing in his
eyes, a desire to give up the fight. But when he lifts his chin, the killer I know

comes back.

This is could be compared to someone who believes someone so much that he is willing to carry out any duty for that person even if it's stupid. Then, later on, he or she would feel conflicted when talking to someone they know very well but in the end, the person won't know what's right or wrong and just do whatever he feels is right.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

English Written Text - Relating to The Real World - Chapter 33 Zelie

This writing prompt is about a girl and her group winning in a hunger games kind of thing or a battle royale. Later then she feels guilty of winning because she was just killing people for the sake of magic.

Chapter 33 – Zélie
Gods help us. I close my eyes, trying to drown the tragedy out. Through it all,
the cheers never stop. The praise never ends. As we stand on the platform, the
crowd rejoices as if there’s a reason to celebrate this bloodbath.
Beside me, Tzain holds me close; he hasn’t really let go since he carried me
from the ship. He keeps his expression vacant, but I can sense his remorse.
Though the competitor in him has prevailed, we’re still covered in the blood of
those who have fallen. We may have triumphed, but this is no victory.

A message I take from this scene is that if you win in something really competitive and other people are participating when having an overwhelmingly advantage it makes you feel no accomplishment. 

Monday 29 July 2019

English Written Text - Relating to the Real World - Chapter 28 Amari

This writing prompt on the book Children of Blood and Bone is about using your old pleasant memories to reinforce yourself mentally.

Chapter 28 - Amari

Be brave, Amari.
This time I hold onto Binta’s words, wrapping them around my body like a suit

of armor. I can be brave.

A message I take from this scene is that you can use your old memories such as old experiences to get through tough times or something you've never done before such as rock climbing. This can even be something you saw your friends do that you couldn't and if you view it from their perspective it won't look that hard.

English Written Text - Relating to the Real World - Chapter 26 Inan

Our third writing prompt for the book Children of Blood and Bone it's about a man chasing after someone with special powers while he has these abilities as well.

Chapter 26 - Inan

“How long?” she breathes. “How long have you been a maji?”
She hisses the word like it’s a curse. Like I’m the spitting image of Lekan. Not
the boy she’s known since birth. The soldier she’s trained for years.
“The girl infected me. It’s not permanent.”
“You’re lying.” Her lips peel back in disgust. “Are you…are you working with
“No! I was looking for clues!” I step forward. “I know where she is–”
“Stay back!” Kaea screams. I freeze, hands in the air. There’s no recognition in
her eyes.

Only unbridled fear.

This could be compared to when you betray someone you know since around birth without really acknowledging it. Then you try to convince them that this betrayal is false but it in end it doesn't work and you panic and probably something bad happens in the end.

Friday 26 July 2019

Social Studies - Boomerangs

For Social Studies class we have been researching the background of boomerangs. We've researched the origin, the stories it told, and more such as the design.

What was the purpose of this activity?

I think the purpose of this activity is to know more about how the Aboriginals hunted animals for food. The boomerang was one of the main weapons the Aboriginals used for hunting animals and it had many forms for different purposes such as training the kids. This was one of the few things I found out.

The Story on my Boomerang

 One side has an orange color and the other side has a dark blue color while the middle is black with spots of white. The other side of the boomerang is just two plain colors black and white. The Orange represents the sun since the heat was harsh in Australia. The blue represents the rain because the rain was kind of a good and bad thing because the rain would cool you down but it would be cold as well. The black in the middle represents the night sky and the white spot means the stars. The other side with white and black just represents the moon and the night sky which you could see.

What went well painting my boomerang

The colors of paint that I needed weren't so hard to get. The painting itself was already easy enough because it was simple. Basically, everything went well.

Wednesday 24 July 2019

English Written Text - Relating to The World World - Chapter 23

This is the second quote we are writing about in the book Children of Blood and Bone. This quote is about chapter 23 when they find out they use people to fight amongst each other for glory.

Chapter 23 Quote

Metal gates fly open on the sides of the arena floor, and an endless flow of
water rushes in. This has to be a mirage. Yet liter after liter flows in. The water
covers the metal ground, crashing with the expanse of a sea.

“How is this possible?” I hiss under my breath, remembering the laborers no

more than skin and bone. So many dying for water and they waste it on this?

What this could be compared to

This can be compared to some countries in our world that make their people work for them. The people get minimal pay but most of their money goes toward someone high up. The person high up gets to spend the money on themselves.

English Written Text - Relating to The Real World - Chapter 22

For English, our new focus is on written text this term so reading books then answering questions on it. We have two books to choose from but the majority of us are reading the book which is Children of Blood and Bone. We are relating some quotes from a chapter to the real world. 

Chapter 22 - Amari

I pause for a moment, aghast at the number of them filling the narrow path. Before today, I caught only glimpses of the laborers brought in to staff the palace—always pleasant, clean, groomed to Mother’s satisfaction. Like Binta, I thought they lived simple lives, safe within the palace walls. I never considered where they came from, where else they might have ended up, “Skies…” It’s almost too hard to bear the sight. Mostly diviners, the laborers outnumber the villagers by hordes, dressed in nothing but tattered rags. Their
dark skin blisters under the scorching sun, marred by the dirt and sand seemingly burned into their beings. Each is hardly more than a walking skeleton.

This quote relates to a lot of us in the real world because when we buy our products from shops we usually think adults get paid to make our products but in reality, there are children making some of our everyday products in harsh environments.

Monday 1 July 2019

Science Experiment - Metal Carbonates and Acid

Today's experiment in science included us making carbon dioxide in a tube then putting a wooden splint on fire inside it causing the fire to disappear because there was no oxygen in it.

Aim: To show that carbon dioxide gas is produced when a metal carbonate reacts with acid.

Equipment: Two boiling tubes, delivery tube and bung, Bunsen Burner/lighter, test tube rack, wooden splint, a bottle of acid, small amount of metal carbonate, test tube tongs, safety glasses


1. Light your Bunsen burner/ Or use lighter

2. Add a 'pea-sized' amount of the metal carbonate into one of the boiling tubes.

3. Place this boiling tube into a test tube rack. Ensure you have the bung and delivery tube ready.

4. Add 5 mL of acid to the boiling tube and quickly insert the bung and delivery tube into the mouth of the boiling tube.

5. Holding the other boiling tube with your tongs, capture the gas produced as shown in the diagram below.

Results: What happened was when we add acid and a piece of metal carbonate with then sealed it with a bung and a delivery tube into a empty one, the empty one was filled carbon dioxide and when we put a fire in the carbon dioxide filled tube it just went out.

We also did this with limewater where we pretty much did the same thing but put limewater into the empty tube which just became cloudy which means carbon dioxide is present.

Discussion: Didn't know you could produuce carbon dioxide and forgot that fire needed oxygen. It was a alright experiment.

Conclusion: This experiment didn't require much work just lots of tools needed. 

Thursday 27 June 2019

Science Experiment - Oxygen & Magnesium

For Science, we did an experiment that required only Oxygen as in the form of heat (Fire) and a strip of the metal, magnesium.

Aim: To make a metal oxide and observe the difference in properties of the product compared to the reactants.

Equipment: A piece of magnesium, Bunsen burner, safety glasses, metal scissor tongs. 


1. Light your Bunsen Burner.

2. Hold your piece of magnesium in the scissor tongs. Ensure you are holding onto the very tip of the magnesium.

3. Place the other end of the magnesium into the Bunsen flame (at the top of the blue flame).

4. When the magnesium begins to burn, do not look directly at it, as the light emitted can permanently damage your eyes.

Results/Observation: Unfortunately we didn't take any photos because we forgot to. What happened was when we put the magnesium strip onto the flame, the metal lit on fire and then seconds after the magnesium will just strobe a very bright light.

Discussion: It was a cool experiment but we forgot to read the methods before doing the experiment leading to our eyes hurting from the bright light.

Conclusion: Would do this experiment again but with a bigger strip of magnesium maybe?

Thursday 13 June 2019

Japanese - Self Introduction

For Japanese, we've been learning all sorts of things in Japanese class such as learning how to ask people what or how many pets they have. But mostly we've been learning how to introduce ourselves and I have done my introduction.

Friday 31 May 2019

Digital Technology - Sphero Edu Game

In DTE we've been trying to code a game using blocks. We've been using this program called Sphero Education, this program controls these ball looking things. You can move these balls or Spheros by using a driving control in the app or you can code it using different methods such as blocks or text.

We've mostly learned about coding it with blocks and learning what different types of blocks do, Here are some blocks that we've learned about. Variables, Loop, Sound and many more. 

I've tried making a game where if you catch it you're either in or out and tried making different events where if you trigger them you are also out. I've used a game made by the Sphero team and tried taking ideas with the blocks that were put together and then tried replacing blocks or adding to it. In the end, it didn't work cause I couldn't figure a way for it to trigger multiple events at once. I've used blocks such as looping and blocks that would trigger something if it reaches a certain speed.

Here is my work.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Science Experiment - Neutralisation

For our third experiment which is about neutralization. Neutralization is about using acid or base to cancel each other to a neutral state.

Aim: To observe a neutralization reaction. 

Equipment: A test tube, test tube rack, 1 mol L-1 Na2CO3 (Sodium carbonate), 1 mol L-1 HCI (Hydrochloric Acid), dropper or dropper botle, Universal indicator solution.


Add approximately 1-2 mL of Na2CO3 and place the test tube into the test tube rack. Add 3-5 drops of Universal indicator solution. 

Using a dropper bottle, add HCI drop by drop. Be careful because adding even a small amount of extra acid can mean you'll miss the neutralization.



This was a cool experiment cause we get to see colors changing but it was hard to get one fully green. But we did make a multi-colored one which was worth it. The color would turn red if it was too much acid and it would be violet if it was mostly base.

Conclusion: Cool experiment and all but hard to make it turn green. Didn't really take long to do.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Science - Making Indicators

For science, we are doing an experiment where we use various items to make acid and base indicators. We are using cabbage as our indicator.

Aim: To make acid-base indicators using everyday substances.

Equipment: Red cabbage, tea, beetroot, turmeric, cranberry juice, a beaker, water, tripod, Bunsen burner, gauze mat, 1.0 mol L-1 HCI and 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH.


For Cabbage and Beetroot:

Chop the cabbage into small pieces until you have enough to fill 2 cups.

Place the cabbage in a large beaker and add water to cover the cabbage.

Boil over a Bunsen burner for at least ten minutes for the color to leach out of the cabbage.

Filter out the plant material to obtain a red-purple-bluish coloured liquid. This liquid is at about pH 7. (The exact colour you get depends on the pH of the water.)

Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

Repeat this method for the beetroot.


Discussion: I think what happened was we used the cabbage which was the indicator then use a squeezy thing or a pipette then we took a bit of the cabbage then put it on the other items such as tea and turmeric.

Conclusion: The experiment was a success I guess, but the aim wasn't really correct because I don't eat cabbage. 

Wednesday 22 May 2019

English - Power of One SEXXY Paragraph

For English, we had been learning about film study with the movie of The Power of One. This movie is about an English boy who tries to help the Africans who had their country taken away from them. We had been learning how to use a certain type of sentence structure known has SEXXY and we've been learning how to use that sentence structure in movie shots such as the longshot down below. Carl has been helping me with this paragraph by suggesting ideas.

The guard is in the foreground showing the power and he’s holding a baton while the others in the background showing the lack of power.

In the long shot, we can see the guard holding a baton while looking at the others showing he has business with them.

Explanation and Effect on Audience

The explanation on this scene is the long shot gives us information on what’s to be anticipated/ The Effect it can give us is the emotions of fear because we know what is going to happen and it’s not going to be a good time.

Your Link

The Longshot of the officer about to hit Geel Piet can be contrasted to the scene where the Africans are going up to the hill where Maria’s grave who is an Africanus that is respected by the Africans while the officer is despised by the Africans.

Monday 20 May 2019

Social Studies - Life in London in 1850's - First Draft

For one of our migration tasks, we had to do creative writing on London in the 1850s which was a bad place full of pollution and people who had migrated to New Zealand from there. 

This long piece of writing was just an idea to draft to help me think of ideas for my actual piece of writing.

Writing - First Draft

"This place isn't going to last as long is it?" Robert said to himself. Robert wondered the streets of London trying to think of another place to settle. However, even if Robert found another place to settle he wouldn't be able to purchase a ride to another land.

Robert was a factory worker, he would do various types of jobs to get paid as much as possible. Robert was also a gentleman but his gentle-ness wouldn't last forever. Robert had a family of 3, his wife and daughter which were really precious to him. He would work and work to get paid and use the money to keep his family alive. However a day after work he saw a poster that promoted a paradise that was very far away. Robert didn't want to share this to his shut-in family because he knew he wouldn't have enough time to get tickets for his wife and daughter. This was when Robert started having evil thoughts about ditching his family just for paradise. Robert started making excuses about not getting paid but in reality, he had been hiding the money somewhere else. When Robert believed he had enough he told his family he would work longer but he sneaked out to the docks. The docks were noisy and cramped with people in the middle of the day. Robert pushed through people trying to leave as soon as possible without delay, however when Robert approached one of the crew members they said the prices of tickets that he couldn't afford. Robert was socked as he believed weeks of saving couldn't afford a single ticket The crew members said they won't go any lower than $200 dollars, but they did say there was a cheaper option, the steerage.

Robert boarded the ship giving all his savings to the crew member, he then also started having regrets of forsaking his family. Mixed emotions of fear and joy started affecting Robert, he tried suppressing these emotions by looking at the ocean or talking to others. Weeks have passed and not everyone was enjoying it as some have fallen and some have been crying in loneliness. Robert didn't know what to do than believing he's going to be fine and happy when he reaches paradise, New Zealand. Another few weeks have passed and more people have fallen ill and the fallen ill victim's conditions have gotten worse, but Robert distanced himself from people and tried forgetting about his family. After the few courses of months the crew members announced they would be arriving soon, everyone started having their hopes up again but for Robert, he started having regrets again on why he left his family.

The ships have reached their destination and everybody got off board. Robert looked at people going on their own ways but Robert didn't know what to do as he had no money and smelt horrible. Robert went around exploring for a way for money but he couldn't due to how he smelled o instead he went to shops begging for money or to clean himself. No one agreed to help him, Robert wandered the streets for a place to sleep in the night and what filled Robert's head was why he left his family just for himself. Days have passed and Robert didn't have the energy to walk, another few days have passed and Robert started having hallucinations at food and company. A week and a half have passed Robert no longer had any thoughts and felled asleep forever.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

P.E - Hockey Reflection

For our first blog post in P.E this term we are blogging about our reflection in hockey with questions about how well we think we did and what reflecting on skills.

1. On a scale of 1-10, rate yourself on how well you participated in the floor hockey lesson on Tuesday
I'll say a 7

2. Why did you rate yourself that way? Give 3 reasons for your rating.
One of my reasons is because I didn't really think before playing all I did was just rush towards the ball and then I didn't what to do.

My second reason is that I wasn't prepared because I should've done extra practice such as how to hold the stick comfortably cause I was changing the way I was holding the stick constantly.

My last reason was I kind of just didn't really participate in teamwork because I didn't really set it up to my team mate to get a advantage instead I just hit the ball away from our goal.

3. What skills do you think you did well?
I think I did the dribble well because half the time I didn't really lose the ball but at the same time I couldn't control the ball comfortably as well.

4. What skills did you use to pass and dribble the ball?
I just put myself in a comfortable position to hit the ball at full power if the ball was close to our goal and I would switch the way I hold the stick as well.

5. What do you think you need to improve on today's lesson? Once you have chosen a skill or strategy to improve, give 2 ways you will do that in P.E today.
I think I need to improve on how to dribble the ball perfectly and learn how to pass the ball correctly. I will do this by practising and thinking where the ball will go.

Monday 6 May 2019

Science - Model Atoms

For our first practical task in science, we had to make an atom model using beads, tape, blue tac, paper, and string. I used helium as my atom model.

Aim: to make a model atom
Equipment: Paper, Tape, Beads, Blue Tac, and String

Method: First I used 4 beads with the color red and green which are the colors for the protons and neutrons and only 4 because helium has an atomic number of 2. Then I put it into the strand of string causing it to hang in mid-air. I used paper to make a cutout circle and then colored in two dotes showing the electrons. Lastly, I attached the helium letters which are He.

Where do you find the protons? - You can find them in the nucleus
Size of atoms - They are really small that a microscope can't see them.
Charge - I'm pretty sure it's zero