
Wednesday 23 October 2019

E-asTTle Practice Writing - Persuasive

In English we've being practising some persuasive writing then marking ourselves on what level we think we are, and then we try to improve from there.

I am aiming to improve my writing in the following 3 areas: Organisation, Punctuation, and Structure Language.

I will do this by: For Organisation I will look through all my paragraphs and my sentences to make sure they link.
For Punctuation I will experiment with different punctuation and maybe re-write my sentences to make sure they make sense.
For Structure and Language I will use different writing languages such as similes and rhetorical questions.
Swimming Lessons Should be Compulsory for all Students

Swimming lessons should be compulsory for all students as they teach people how to handle themselves in water, thus preventing them from drowning and how to utilise their own movement in water to keep themselves safe.

Learning how to swim is important because it gives you the skills to prevent you from drowning or just holding yourself above the water, and these two skills can delay you from drowning to wait for help or just pull yourself out of the water to safety. These skills are important to to young kids as they don’t know how to handle themselves in water as they may be in a state of panic.

Knowing how to swim not only keeps you out of danger in water but it can also be used in sport, you can win prizes in swimming sports and even represent your country. Swimming is a unique sport unlike other popular sports where you have a ball to shoot to the other teams goal to win. Swimming is a sport where you race others using different swimming techniques also there are other types of sports taken in a pool such as diving. Knowing how to keep yourself safe in water can also lead you to be a professional swimmer who can earn prizes such as money.

Knowing how to swim can benefit you in many ways; winning prizes or saving yourself in unexpected events. Knowing how to swim is important especially to young children as they are at risk of drowning without the knowledge of knowing how to swim. Would you have your children not knowing how to swim?

Yellow Highlighted Words are the changed words.


  1. Hey jason, nice choice of vocabulary.As we were reading we noticed that you missed out a few grammar marks. Maybe you could Work on this next time, other than that nice job. From memory and I.

    1. ok, cool i'll fix those

    2. * Ok Cool, I'll fix it. Thanks Nia and Memory


To support my learning I ask you to comment as follows:
1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something thoughtful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.

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