
Tuesday 19 June 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Two Scene 7 - Scene 9

Act Two Scene 7

1. Price of Morocco thinks that the golden casket contains Portia's portrait because on the golden casket it says "He who chooses me will get what many men want." Also the Prince of Morocco thinks that the other caskets, silver and lead isn't worth Portia.

2. She feels confident that the Prince of Morocco won't pick the correct one and she is right. At the end she doesn't feel nervous at all because she knows he isn't going to choose the right casket.

3. I think Shylock (Jessica's Father) is trying to get rid of men who is greedy for Jessica and making them not able to marry anymore so there are less people like that. It seems like it's working since everybody has chosen the wrong one so far.

Act Two Scene 8

1. Jessica left Shylock and stole his ducats (Money) in the form of jewellery.

2. Shylock thinks that Jessica and Lorenzo are in Bassaino's ship

3.  Bassaino and Antonio part by having Bassaino checking on a rumour that a ship full of treasure sunk in the english channel.

Act Two Scene 9

1. I think it's a riddle trying to trick greedy people and maybe some idiots as well so they don't get their hands on Portia.

2. The Prince of Arragon thinks that the phrase on the golden casket is a trick because it says "What many men desire" and he thinks the "many" are fools or he thinks it just money.

3. I guess Portia is excited for Bassaino's arrival and I think she wants Bassaino to choose the right casket.

What am I learning.

I'm learning how to use information from a book and then use that information to answer questions given by my teacher.

How does this work show my learning.

I write down what I think the answer is to the questions after getting information from the book.

What am I wondering.

Is the future questions going to be more difficult. 

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