
Monday 25 June 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Two Can Do's

Act Two Can Do's

Incision: A surgical cut in skin or flesh
Renowned: Known or talked about by many people, or just famous
Casket: a small ornamental box or chest for holding jewels, letters or anything else valuable
Fiend: An evil spirit or demon
Impertinent: Not showing respect, or just rude
Tedious: Too long, slow or dull
Prodigal: Spending money or resources recklessly.
Garnish: Decorate or make something more attractive, especially food



Properties and Qualities: 
The colour of gold is bright yellow and it has a shine or glow. The gold can be beaten into extremely thin sheets of golden leafs. It's capable of being shaped or bent. It's a good electrical conductor (Allows the flow of electricity) and it can be dissolved as well. Gold is a soft metal and it can be hardened by mixing with other metals. It melts at at 1065°C.

Uses of Gold:
Jewellery, Money, Electricity Conductor, and Sculptures


Properties and Qualities of Sliver:
The colour of sliver is white and it has a shine and is capable of a high degree polishing. It's also capable of being beaten into extremely thin sheets as well as having the ability to bend and being shaped. Sliver is an excellent electrical and heat conductor having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal.
Sliver has the ability of being dissolved as well and also being a soft metal.

Uses of Sliver

Jewellery, Silverware (Spoons and other tools like it), Mirrors, Electrical and Heat Conductor.


Properties and Qualities of Lead:

The colour of lead is a bluish-white colour. Lead also have the ability to bend and be shaped but it's a poor conductor for heat and electricity. Lead is another soft metal and it can be stretched without breaking. It has a shine and a glow.

Uses of Lead: 

Car batteries, Pigments, Ammunition, Weight belts for driving

Source: RSC

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