
Wednesday 13 June 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Two Scene Six and Discussion Questions

What am I learning.
I'm trying to learn how to answer questions after reading a book that provides the information to those questions.

How do I show my Learning.
I provide the answers as well the slide for the questions.

What am I Wondering.
Nothing Really.

Act Two Scene Six

1. Launcelot talks to Shylock then quickly whispers to Jessica that there will be a Christian worth a Jewess glance outside the window.

2. A box of treasure like full of jewellery.

3. For the masquerade and everybody is looking for him

Act Two Discussion Questions

 1. In A2S2 Launcelot states the house is like hell so I believe the both of them want to escape because the house is like a prison since Jessica got locked in her room, or in other words freedom

2. Shylock talks to Jessica like she's precious to him since he's kind of being overprotective to Jessica.

3. Shylock basically says to Jessica don't leave the house or look at the window when Launcelot planned a escape for Jessica already also Jessica wants to escape the house.

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