
Wednesday 27 June 2018

Home Economics - Chocolate Chip Cookies

This week at Home Economics we made Chocolate Chip Cookies with a group of three including me. 

The process of making it was really simple and it didn't take long to make it. I think it was a good recipe the food turned out really great, it was delicious.

  • The food was really delicious, 
  • Didn't take long to make/Easy to make
  • Group of 3
  • Good for packing home since it turns hard
  • Bit too sweet
The best food we made so far.
Wish we could make something similar in the future

English: Shylock Character Study


1. Dirty Dog
2. Heathen 
3. Devil

Shylock's Feelings

Hurt: A1S3 L104-127 
Shylock gets hurt by getting insulted by a enemy of his religion the Christians and then getting asked for money by the Christian, Signor Antonio.

Rage:  A3S3 L0-17 
Shylock gets mad after having his money and daughter taken away from him and Antonio wants to delay the contract where he has to give up a pound of flesh if he couldn't pay the money in time.

Loneliness: A3S1 L72-85
Shylock is lonely and mad at the same time because this took time when he got his money and daughter taken and now he is crying because of his daughter got stolen by someone but he's more worried about the money.

Tuesday 26 June 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Three Scene 1-2

Act Three Scene One

1. I think it's because Shylock believes that Solanio and Salerio have a close relationship to Jessicca. Solanio and Salerio didn't report the disappearance of Jessica to Shylock           

2. Tubal says these followings lines "Well, other men have bad luck too. Antonio, as I heard in Genoa-" (Modern Text Translation) 

"He's had a ship wrecked coming from Tripolis.
(Modern Text Translaton)

3.  I think Shylock is looking for Lorenzo and Jessica because Jessica left with Lorenzo on a ship full of jewellery.

4. They plan to meet at the synagogue and their purpose is to take Antonio's heart because it's the deadline for the contract.

Act Three Scene Two

1. Portia wants Bassaino to think it through before choosing the casket because if he chooses wrong casket Portia can't have Bassaino's casket anymore

2. He doesn't choose gold because of a old tale involving this man called Midas where he touches everything will become gold even humans. For silver he doesn't choose it because it's the material coins are made out of and he thinks Portia worth more than just common coins and for lead I think he doesn't judge a book by its cover and it's humble.

3. I think she's trying say that when you get married to a woman, all the woman's belongings will be given to you now.

4. It depended on the caskets as well. I think what Gratiano is trying to say is that if Bassaino picked the right casket that means his fate with Nerissa would be getting married as well.

5. She sees Bassaino with a pale face while reading the letter

6. She helps by doubling or tripling the amount of ducats that Shylock needed for the contract or else Antonio's heart will be removed.

7. Because Shylock is really mad right now, having his daughter taken away from him and his money.

8. Yes I believe because Portia doesn't care about the outside of a man but the inside. Bassaino has a positive Attitude and he doesn't boast about how rich he is.

Monday 25 June 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Two Can Do's

Act Two Can Do's

Incision: A surgical cut in skin or flesh
Renowned: Known or talked about by many people, or just famous
Casket: a small ornamental box or chest for holding jewels, letters or anything else valuable
Fiend: An evil spirit or demon
Impertinent: Not showing respect, or just rude
Tedious: Too long, slow or dull
Prodigal: Spending money or resources recklessly.
Garnish: Decorate or make something more attractive, especially food



Properties and Qualities: 
The colour of gold is bright yellow and it has a shine or glow. The gold can be beaten into extremely thin sheets of golden leafs. It's capable of being shaped or bent. It's a good electrical conductor (Allows the flow of electricity) and it can be dissolved as well. Gold is a soft metal and it can be hardened by mixing with other metals. It melts at at 1065°C.

Uses of Gold:
Jewellery, Money, Electricity Conductor, and Sculptures


Properties and Qualities of Sliver:
The colour of sliver is white and it has a shine and is capable of a high degree polishing. It's also capable of being beaten into extremely thin sheets as well as having the ability to bend and being shaped. Sliver is an excellent electrical and heat conductor having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal.
Sliver has the ability of being dissolved as well and also being a soft metal.

Uses of Sliver

Jewellery, Silverware (Spoons and other tools like it), Mirrors, Electrical and Heat Conductor.


Properties and Qualities of Lead:

The colour of lead is a bluish-white colour. Lead also have the ability to bend and be shaped but it's a poor conductor for heat and electricity. Lead is another soft metal and it can be stretched without breaking. It has a shine and a glow.

Uses of Lead: 

Car batteries, Pigments, Ammunition, Weight belts for driving

Source: RSC

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Home Economics: Mie Goreng

This week at Home Economics we cooked an Asian dish that included noodles which was the main ingredient. The dish included noodles, cabbage, meat and carrot if you wanted it. I packed the food for home and when I got home and tried it, I didn't really like it because of the plain taste and the vegetables since I don't like eating vegetables. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos but I have the picture of the recipe.

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Technology: Candle Holder

Last week we made this candle holder which can also hold a match box in the middle. Mr. Rzoka taught us how it make it and also it was another easy design to make which took less than an hour. 

It was one of those simple and useful tools and this would come in handy when there is a blackout.

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Two Scene 7 - Scene 9

Act Two Scene 7

1. Price of Morocco thinks that the golden casket contains Portia's portrait because on the golden casket it says "He who chooses me will get what many men want." Also the Prince of Morocco thinks that the other caskets, silver and lead isn't worth Portia.

2. She feels confident that the Prince of Morocco won't pick the correct one and she is right. At the end she doesn't feel nervous at all because she knows he isn't going to choose the right casket.

3. I think Shylock (Jessica's Father) is trying to get rid of men who is greedy for Jessica and making them not able to marry anymore so there are less people like that. It seems like it's working since everybody has chosen the wrong one so far.

Act Two Scene 8

1. Jessica left Shylock and stole his ducats (Money) in the form of jewellery.

2. Shylock thinks that Jessica and Lorenzo are in Bassaino's ship

3.  Bassaino and Antonio part by having Bassaino checking on a rumour that a ship full of treasure sunk in the english channel.

Act Two Scene 9

1. I think it's a riddle trying to trick greedy people and maybe some idiots as well so they don't get their hands on Portia.

2. The Prince of Arragon thinks that the phrase on the golden casket is a trick because it says "What many men desire" and he thinks the "many" are fools or he thinks it just money.

3. I guess Portia is excited for Bassaino's arrival and I think she wants Bassaino to choose the right casket.

What am I learning.

I'm learning how to use information from a book and then use that information to answer questions given by my teacher.

How does this work show my learning.

I write down what I think the answer is to the questions after getting information from the book.

What am I wondering.

Is the future questions going to be more difficult. 

Monday 18 June 2018

Science: Microscoping Onions

This week at science we had to microscope the transparent parts of the onions. I got into a group of four and we found out that on the transparent part there are still bits of water we can't see since it's microscopic.

Also we looked at phones and when we looked at the screen with the microscope it turns it there are pixels making the colours

What have I learned.
I learnt that there are things that you don't expect to be in

How do I show my Learning
I write down what I learnt and what I've discovered

What am I wondering.
What happens if you microscope onto things that are moving.

Technology: Mu Terore

This term at Tech with one of our Technology Teachers, Mr Rzoka. We made a Maori board game called Mu Torere, it was simple to make and entertaining to play. It's a one on one game where you have to try and use your four pegs to block the opposing player so they can't move which means you win. 

Wednesday 13 June 2018

Home Economics: Chilli Con Carne

This week at Home Economics we made Chilli Con Carne with rice. I didn't really like the food because all I could really taste was the chilli beans and the rice was like mashed potato.


  • Easy to make
  • Mince was okay
  • It smells good

  • Tastes bad
  • Took forever to clean
  • Rice was bad
  • Had to stay in for 8 Minutes cleaning

I think it was a good food if we had ate it when it was still warm.
We could've cleaned up faster if everybody help.

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Two Scene Six and Discussion Questions

What am I learning.
I'm trying to learn how to answer questions after reading a book that provides the information to those questions.

How do I show my Learning.
I provide the answers as well the slide for the questions.

What am I Wondering.
Nothing Really.

Act Two Scene Six

1. Launcelot talks to Shylock then quickly whispers to Jessica that there will be a Christian worth a Jewess glance outside the window.

2. A box of treasure like full of jewellery.

3. For the masquerade and everybody is looking for him

Act Two Discussion Questions

 1. In A2S2 Launcelot states the house is like hell so I believe the both of them want to escape because the house is like a prison since Jessica got locked in her room, or in other words freedom

2. Shylock talks to Jessica like she's precious to him since he's kind of being overprotective to Jessica.

3. Shylock basically says to Jessica don't leave the house or look at the window when Launcelot planned a escape for Jessica already also Jessica wants to escape the house.

English: Merchant of Venice - Act 2 Scene 3-5

Slide of the Questions

Act 2 Scene 3

1. Jessica states that it's hell in her house.

2. She is marrying Lorenzo so she could end the agony and become Christian

Act 2 Scene 4

1.  She asks Launcelot who is leaving the house to deliver the letter to Lorenzo

2. She will be disguised as a boy

Act 2 Scene 5

1. Shylock says that they are just going to flatter him.
Also the place Shylock is going to it's full of Christians.

Monday 11 June 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Two Scene Two

1. He thinks that Shylock is a devil.

2. Bassaino thinks that when Gratiano comes to Belmont with him he gets a bit wild which lead him to having a loud and wrong voice which will blow his chance against Portia.

3.  A. Launcelot can't talk much
B. Bassiano is making a deal with Shylock and Launcelot's father is Shylock, which he ran away from
C. Launcelot can't talk much again so he doesn't know which words to use.

Music - Aotearoa Choreography

This week we finished our rehearsal for our choreography and did some improvements to it. I'm going to write about what I liked about it, what I hate about it and what can we improve it.


  • We have tools for our choreography poi's and some type of noisemaker.
  • The dance will be really good if everybody is synced in every move.
  •  Boys part and Girls part
  • Decent amount of moves

Negatives/Next Steps

  • Decent amount of moves but lacks movement
  • Not enough sound produced by us.

I believe the dance will be good after fixing some small stuff and everybody is singing the song.

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Two Scene One

1. That the Prince of Morocco has a different skin colour (Dark Skinned)

2. They can't marry anyone

3. The action of lending money with a unreasonably high interest.

4. Antonio and Shylock are both in a different religion that hate each other. Antonio is Christian and Shylock is a Jew.

5.  She says that being good looking doesn't find a way into her heart and she has other criteria for her husband.

Sunday 10 June 2018

English: Merchant of Venice -- Can Do's

Vocabulary: Venture - A risky adventure/journey
Vessel: A ship or large boat
Signior: An Italian man usally of rank - Used as title as equivalent to Mr.
Mortifying: Cause someone to be very embarrased
Profound: A state, quality or emotion that's very intense
Exhortation: An Address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something
Virtuous: Having or showing great moral standards\
Squandered: Waste something in a reckless foolish manner


  • Venice is built on more than 100 small islands
  • It has no roads but canals
  • There are Gondolas in Venice
  • Venice has been built around 1000 years ago

Facts - Source

Things to Do:

  • Visit Piazza San Marco (Principal Public Square)
  • Visit Doge's Palace (Hosts exhibitions)
  • Go to the Grand Canal (Forms one of the major water-traffic corridors)
  • Go to the Rialto Bridge (One of the oldest bridges)

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Home Eco. - Mac n Cheese

This week on Home Eco. I wasn't here but all I know is that we cooked Mac n Cheese.

Image result for mac n cheese

So If I was here I wouldn't enjoy the food because I don't like Mac n Cheese, mostly because of the pasta since I hate it.

The Negatives

  • Probably eating the pasta
  • Cleaning up
  • Cooking
The Positives 

  • Eating the Bacon/Ham
  • The cheese
Next time If I was here

I would at least try the food out and cook different variations.