
Tuesday 26 March 2019

Health - Introduction

This is my first blog post on Health this year and it's about introducing this subject on what we are doing and sharing some of our early work.

Health class is where we learn about various subjects that include well being or personal life. Our first subject is about Taha Wairua which is a house built out of 4 well beings; Spiritual, Physical, Mental and Social. Currently we are working on spiritual well being.

Spiritual Wellbeing
This task is to explain what we've learnt about spiritual wellbeing and how spiritual well being relates to me.

We've learnt about how beliefs or personal beliefs can affect our life whether good or bad. I personally don't have major beliefs other than birthdays or holidays. We also learnt about who are really are but doing surveys that gives us our personal strengths, values and weaknesses. My spiritual well being isn't much but I think it's enough for me because my culture doesn't have much difference to anyone other than language and appearance.

Personal Values Activity
This is a activity where I discuss what I think my two most important personal values are. As you can see I like to improve at whatever.

Identity Photo
This is a task where we had to draw something that represents us and write on the outside what do you think that relates to you.
The Sticky notes are 5 things from the list you wrote that you think represents you the most.

Monday 25 March 2019

Science - DNA Extraction Experiment

Aim: To suck the DNA out of a kiwi fruit

- Using spatula, scoop 1/2 kiwifruit into bag. Add 25mL water + a pinch of salt.

- Mush until a thick soup.

- Pour over cloth into funnel into beaker

- Pour liquid into test tube. Add dish washing liquid + swirl. Allow to sit for 5 minutes.

- Tilt test tube on 45o angle and slowly pour 10mL of ethanol down the side. 

- Allow to sit.


What happened is that a floating looking cloud rose to the top of the test tube where the kiwi fruit juice/liquid was.

I think this happened because of the ethanol we added cause it freezes at a lower point of temperature making it wouldn't mix with the water and the DNA would rise to the top.

What actually happened: Water helped breaked kiwifruit apart. Salt helped clump the DNA together. Ethanol helped see it as it sits on top. Ethanol also has more density.

Conclusion: It was a cool experiment to be able to suck DNA out of a non living thing and I didn't know DNA was really visible at first.


English - Creating Writing - Narrative Reflection

For English we had been working on theses creative writing tasks that include setting, creating a character, opening sentences and many more that also included can do's. Our final task to reflect on everything we've done so far for the past 2 to 3 weeks.

What new things have you learned? How is this going to help you to be a better creative writer? Use complete sentences to be specific 

I learnt new creative writing techniques such as using sentence openers which can drag the reader in. I learnt how to apply sensory language and how to make your writing more living by adding in characters or actions. This will help me in future writing tasks because I have more techniques at my dispose.

What activities did you enjoy from this unit of work? Why?

I enjoyed making my own protagonist and writing about settings using various techniques because I got to reinforce new techniques I learnt and I get to be creative as I want.

Which Styles of learning work best for you? Can you identify any obstacles to your learning?

I liked to communicate with my friends because we get to share ideas and talking with my friends can make up some ideas for my writing. The obstacles to my writing is writing about stuff I don't know about cause I have to get use to it before using it correctly. 

English - Create a Protagonist

For English class we had to make our own protagonist. I decided to make my character far in the future where he will try and uncover the past of the world since its has been forgotten.

I made it using Piktochart.

Social Studies - Child Labour Paragraph

For another task in social studies class we had to write a short paragraph using a type of writing structure which known as SEEL.
We were writing about how children don't have or have minimal access to education.

S - Statement

E - Explain/Example

E - Example/Explain

L - Link

Child Labour SEEL Paragraph

Children don't have access to education because they have to work constantly to survive. Children have to work everyday to earn money for food and the amount of money they get is minimal. Children have to go mining, war and more, these types of jobs can put them in harm and even if they get education their jobs will interfere with their access to education. Children won't have or have minimal access to education because they are struggling to survive.

Social Studies - Child Labour Countries

For Social our second task was to make a google maps showing locations of the worst countries that consist child labour. We had to write some information of that country showing how much children was working and what they were working for.

I did this task with a friend, Tana

Here is my map for the 10 worst countries of child labour.

My Google Maps

Wednesday 20 March 2019

DTE - How to get free money gift cards (No Credit card needed!!!!, gone wrong, gone viral, MUST READ)

Sources can be found in my document

For DTE we have worked on a bunch of stuff within these short 6 to 7 weeks but what I think we're mainly focusing on is Cyber-Safety and being Cyber-Smart

Digital Bytes My Digital Byte Document

The first one I'm going to talk about is Digital Bytes because it's the most recent one and I'm going to fit as many information I can remember.

Digital Bytes was a website that told you about various stuff that's technology related like social media platforms to how the internet affected you.

I chose creator out of the 4 subjects and clicked on the how technology changed the way you communicate. I chose this because I wanted to see if technology has really changed the way I communicate whether it's in person or on a screen. The questions I found were quite interesting because it not mostly personal questions but it's asking how other people communicate to you in different environments.

I found this one the most effort requiring task because of all the unique questions and activities. 

Interland - Link
Interland was our second task and it was a game about being Cyber-Smart and Cyber-Safe.

I found this game quite interesting not because it's just a game but it has like a nice art style and it has more than one game per activity since there are four. Interland goes like this, you choose a activity then it gives you like a game giving all the information you need for a later part which is like a quiz, then rinse and repeat on other activities.

I found interland kind of fun because you're always doing something most of the time and my favourite activity was kindness kingdom because it's like a Mario type of game.

My Google Site
We've been working on something new other than blogger to share our work.

Google sites is something new I've done and I quite like it because it's easier to use and you can personalize it to make it look fancy. Google site was our first task for DTE where we have to make our own site and get some of the basics done like setting up pages for future tasks.

Reflection Questions
1. What did you do today that made you think hard?
Me trying to fit in as much information

2.  What happened today that made you keep on going?
Probably because I don't want to have homework because I got stuff to do at home.

3. What can you learn from this?
Being efficient is effective.

4. What mistake did you make that taught you something?
Having no audio can be boring when watching videos

5. What did you try hard at today?
Getting work done as fast as I can

6. What strategy are you going to try now?
Think of a effective plan then execute it while adding to it

7. What will you do to challenge yourself today?
Answering questions with more detail

8. What will you do to improve your work?
Analyze my old work and try note down what things I need to work on

9. What will you do to improve your talent?
Practice while having a goal in mind.

10. What will you do to solve this problem?
Practice even harder.

Overall it has been quite interesting at DTE having task after task and the task aren't actually boring since it always gives you work.  

English - Settings

For this activity I have to write about settings. There are two parts to this activity the setup and the backdrop. I have to include sensory language in these 3 short descriptions.


1.  A full moon was above us and the howling in the distance echoed. The ominous castle gave us goosebumps and I think there was a silhouette of a man.
2.  I could hear water dripping but I couldn't see where I was, maybe if I look harder I might make out this skinny distinct shape and figure out where I might be.

3.  I looked out through the window but I didn't see any sign of life other than spheres and white looking crosses. I moved around but I didn't hear anything, I shouted but no response, perhaps I'm all alone.

Setting as Backdrops
For this task I have to bring some life to a setting by adding actions to the descriptions.

It was the evening, the orange sky and the sun could be clearly seen. I laid down in the park and watched people walk by and some even played sports this late. This was my favourite spot because you can feel the fresh breeze going over your face and hear the noise of people talking.

Tuesday 19 March 2019

Science - Nobel Prize Winners Research - Nadia Murad

For science class we are doing research on a Nobel Prize winner instead of doing book work because we would be all working on the same person and it would be boring since some people won't understand what the Nobel Prize is. I chose the person Nadia Murad because it's not about academy but about humans.

Who Are They?

Nadia Murad is a Iraqi Yazidi human rights activist. She was subjected to sexual assault and kidnapping. Nadia Murad was born into a farming family in Kojo, Iraq. - Britannica & Nobel Prize

What did they do?

Nadia Murad decided to help women and children who was subjected to inhumane abuse and human trafficking. However what I believe that lead her to help people was that she was also a victim of abuse and human trafficking.  - Nobel Prize

What got them the Nobel Prize?

Through her hard work and determination to help people what she's been through; human trafficking and abuse. Nadia also gave some speeches.  - Nobel Prize

What are the effects today of what they achieved?

Victims of human trafficking has received support from her so the victims might've recovered from such an abuse. Nadia might've inspired other people to do the same, leading less people to depression or other negative effects.

Thursday 14 March 2019

English - Narrative Openings using Show Don't Tell

For my third task on creative writing I had to write my own  narrative openings using "Show Don't Tell". I can write whatever I want but it has to paint a picture in a reader's mind.

1.  As soon I discovered the secrets of my uncle my life has been devoted to putting the pieces back together.

2.  Sometimes I imagine where I am, but when this happens the place suddenly becomes a mess before I realise it.

3.  Isn't it exciting when you discover something supernatural? Well you see I've seen these sights than couldn't be imaginable. 

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Social Studies - Harriet Tubman Paragraph

For Social Studies we have been researching about Harriet Tubman who was a famous person who guided slaves to freedom despite being one herself. We had to write a paragraph about her as one of our task but I think my paragraph wasn't the best of my ability after reading it. 


Harriet Tubman was one of the most Honorable people when slavery back then existed. Harriet was known because she would free slave after slave. Harriet's role in the railroad was a conductor, meaning she would guide slaves to the railroad secret hiding places. Harriet didn't just save slaves because she was one, she saved hundreds of slaves but she could've saved more, if they known they were slaves. Harriet was Honorable because she saved many slaves making her one of the best conductors.


I felt like this was kind of rushed by me and some of the sentences don't make sense or doesn't link up.

I could've make this better if I look at my past sentences and then try and link it with my future sentence.

Tuesday 12 March 2019

English - Show Don't Tell

For one of our new creative writing tasks we have to rewrite examples of things or objects using this Show Don't Tell thing.

What Does "Show Don't Tell" Means?

I think it means painting a picture in someone's mind without telling them the exact object or properties of that object.

You can also paint a picture with detailed words to make the picture in someones mind more detailed and they know what it might exactly look like.


The Buildings were Tall - The buildings looked like it touched the sky.

Sarah was really upset - Sarah's face didn't show any expression and she refused to talk.

She was so happy to see him - She couldn't hold back her smile and she was saying one thing after another.

The lake was beautiful - The lake's water was sparkling and the bright sunlight reflected off it.

Friday 8 March 2019

Social Science - Harriet Tubman

Social Science - Harriet Tubman

For Social Studies we have to research about a famous female back then when slavery existed. Harriet Tubman was the person we were researching about and we have to explain what she was famous for and how she would help slaves escape.

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources
Harriet Tubman Facts
MyHistory - Harriet Tubman
Biography - Harriet Tubman

What have I learnt from this

I learnt that a person from the past or even a single person can make a huge impact on the world and America wasn't the best country to be when you're different race or colour. 

I learnt that colours back then weren't treated equally making it a miserable life for people who were black back then.

What I already knew
I knew that the black skin colour was treated as slaves but not to this degree.

Why was Harriet Tubman a Important Figure

Harriet was a important figure because she saved many lives back then and she probably inspired people to do the same she did so many more lives got saved.

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Social Science - Harriet Tubman

For Social Studies we have to research about a famous female back then when slavery existed. Harriet Tubman was the person we were researching about and we have to explain what she was famous for and how she would help slaves escape.

Primary Sources

Secondary Sources
Harriet Tubman Facts
MyHistory - Harriet Tubman
Biography - Harriet Tubman

What have I learnt from this

I learnt that a person from the past or even a single person can make a huge impact on the world and America wasn't the best country to be when you're different race or colour. 

I learnt that colours back then weren't treated equally making it a miserable life for people who were black back then.

What I already knew
I knew that the black skin colour was treated as slaves but not to this degree.

Why was Harriet Tubman a Important Figure

Harriet was a important figure because she saved many lives back then and she probably inspired people to do the same she did so many more lives got saved.