
Thursday 28 February 2019

P.E - Improvements

In P.E we have been focusing on some athletic activities such as long jump, high jump, sprints and more. We've been tasked to do these activities over and over to find some improvements by self-reflecting.

What I've Improved In

- I believe I've improved in activities that requires power or strength such as shot put or discus because our teachers has taught us some throwing techniques that uses our body's force to make us throw further.

- I believe I've improved in activities that include running but especially long distance running because I've been able to run longer by breathing 
techniques and body posture when running.

-   Lastly I think I've improved in long jump because I've improved my leg power from running or some workout exercises and also the way to use your body when airborne to gain more distance.

Monday 25 February 2019

Social Studies - Slave Trade Triangle

At Social Studies we had to make a map of events how the slave triangle went. We created the map using google maps feature, My Maps.

Here is the link to my map - Slave Triangle.

Passages of the Slave Trade Triangle.

First - 1. Ships and Guns were purchased and taken to Europe.
Africans Slaves were kidnapped.

Middle Passage - Guns and materials traded for humans. They were put on slave ships and sent to the Americas.

Third Passage - Material like cotton and tobacco that slaves picked were sent to Europe and sold.

Thursday 21 February 2019

English - Creative Writing Reflection

Here is my reflection on creative writing. I'm going to write about what I learnt throughout all these tasks and what I enojoyed.

I learnt that creative writing is basically endless and what I mean by that is you can write anything like a poem, a song, scripts and lot more. 

What I enjoyed the most out of all the tasks was probably the Japanese poetry one, Haiku

Haiku lets you be creative and it's focoused on one thing in the real world that we all experience throughout our lives making it easy to write about it. However my Haiku's aren't really my experiences I ahd in real life.

English - Slam Poetry

For my last task before my creative writing reflection this one is about slam poetry and I am fairly new to this type of poetry. I had to choose one performance that I liked and answer why. Writing opinions as well.

The one I liked was performed by Mohamed Hassan - I Am Dangerous

I liked this performance because he got right into it and he didn't waste any time. Mohamed also did some facial expressions that showed anger and sadness which is what his poetry is about and some unique words he used.

Here are my two opinions

I like how he compares himself to different objects to show what he's expressing. "I am a time bomb" - Mohammed Hassan

He has a variety of unique words I believe he should start saying different words instead of repeating them "I am Dangerous" - Mohamed Hassan 

I'm not sure if your suppose to repeat the topic multiple times.

English - Haiku

For another task this is about a japanese type of poetry called Haiku but it isn't like any other poetry. This poetry is about the seasons and there are 3 lines but each line has a certain amount of syllables.

First Line - 5 Syllables.
Second Line - 7 Syllables.
Third Line -  5 Syllables.

Here are Some Examples I made

English - Sensory Language

In English we had to write a paragraph using sensory language which is a language that connects to the human 5 senses (Smell, Touch, Taste, Hearing and Sight) without using obvious words that link to them.

As I looked up the sun shined on me and blinding me. However that wasn't the problem, the problem was walking down this everlasting street drenched in sweat. While having groceries that weight like a elephant causing my fingers to have a burning sensation. After a while I decided to take a break sitting down on a nearby bench watching cars as they go nearby. Grabbing a snack from one of my bags made them rustle. Eating and eating caused my mouth to catch on fire however it was sweet. Today is just a bad day, having every part of my body burn all thanks to the heat.   

Tuesday 19 February 2019

Science - Heart Attacks

In Science we have to research about heart attacks. What causes them, how to prevent it, treatments and Symptoms. 

What is a Heart Attack?

Heart attacks are when the flow of blood is blocked by a blood clot preventing oxygen from getting in.

How to Prevent it?

  • Don't Smoke
  • Having a balanced diet
  • Having your blood pressure at a healthy level.

Source - NHS 

Treatment for Heart Attacks

Treatment depends on the severity of heart attacks but here are some.

  • Providing extra oxygen.
  • Medicine(s)
  • Cardiac Rehab
  • Surgery

Symptoms of Heart Attacks

Here are some symptoms you might experience during heart attacks
  • Pain in Multiple Areas
  • Dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Parts of body will feel uncomfortable or tight.

English - Metaphor and Similes

For one of our other tasks at English we had to define what is a metaphor and simile using our own words. 

Metaphor A metaphor is like a comparison but directly stating it. 
Examples - "Life is a Game" and "Love is a loop"

Simile A simile is like comparing one thing to another but using the words "as" and "like".
Examples - "I ran like a cheetah" and "I roared like a lion"

Wednesday 13 February 2019

English - Personifications

For one of our creative writing tasks we had to choose a language feature that we don't know about and then find out what it mean and then define it in a poster.

I made my poster with Piktochart an online infographic maker.

Social Studies - Human Rights Posters

These past two days we researched about human rights and what each people has the rights to. 

I made a poster with Piktochart with their graphics and fonts.

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Science - Arthritis

For our first science blog post we have to research things around arthritis.

Arthritis - What is it?

Arthritis is a inflammation of joints whether it's a single joint or multiple joints. There is also more than 100 types of arthritis and each of those mostly have different causes and even treatment. However the most two common ones are Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid.

Osteoarthritis - Osteoarthritis affects your joints and the cartilage, a cartilage is something the protects the ends of your bones but with osteoarthritis the cartilage breaks down leading to your bones not being protected properly and in some cases your bones can end up grinding against each other. However osteoarthritis progresses slowly and it becomes more common as you get older and some symptoms include minor trauma or repeated injury in a joint. It usually affects the feet, knees, lower back, and fingers.

Rheumatoid - Rheumatoid is less common than Osteoarthritis however this type of arthritis is way different than osteoarthritis since this illness makes your own body defence system attacks it's own tissues and the affects lining of your own joints. It also causes other problems in your own body. This illness can affect young people.

What causes Arthritis?

Arthritis is more common in later years because the chance of getting arthritis increases each age. Arthritis can also be caused by overusing joints like ballet dancing, Not working out and even being overweight.

Myths about Arthritis

There is a myth about Arthritis where if you crack your joints like your knuckles you will have a higher chance of getting Arthritis.

Another myth is that when you get diagnoised with Arthritis you can't cure it. Arthritis can't really be cured but treatment can help it however there are more than 100 types of Arthritis.

Pictures of Arthritis

Image result for arthritis

Image result for arthritis