
Thursday 29 November 2018

Passion Project - Presentation

At passion project on this Thursday we had to make a video of what we did over the weeks of our passion project so basically a reflection.

Text Version:

What have you learnt about yourself? - I learnt that I could actually could endure workout longer than I thought.

What have you learnt about fitness? - I learnt that you have to work really hard even if your about to give up to get results.

What have you learnt about nutrition? - I learnt that nutrition is a big factor to have a stronger and healthy body.

How did you learn those things? - I learnt them by experiencing workout and researching these things.

What will you do with this knowledge in the future? - I will use this knowledge to keep a stronger and healthier body in the future. 

Thursday 22 November 2018

Move to Improve - Calories

At my passion project we have questions to answer about nutrition.

How many calories do you need per day for boys around my age.
A average 14 year old would need around 2,200 - 3,200 calories a day. Source - Livestrong

How much protein do you need a day for a 14 year old male.
This one depends on your body weight because one kilogram for people around 14 to 18 year old will need 0.85 grams of protein for each body kilogram. so I would need around 43 grams of protein.

Source - Healthy Family

Move to Improve - My Goal

For my goal at move to improve I want to improve my overall body health like having a stronger body, having more stamina/energy and being agile. I will achieve this by doing certain workouts everyday.

Tuesday 20 November 2018

English Creative Writing - Life Story in 10 Sentences

Now for my second creative writing in English I chose to write another short one and I have to write my life story in 10 sentences.

1. I was born in China although I don't remember much.

2. I spent at least one year in my country studying at school but all I could remember was falling asleep in class.

3. I moved in to New Zealand at the age of four and then started kindergarten when I was at least a month or two in and got myself my first friend.

4. I then started primary school with my first friend and primary school was where my English started developing.

5. Throughout the years of primary I got myself more friends and also my English got better and better.

6. At the end of year 6 some of my friends separated and my first friend who was also my best friend stayed together throughout our primary school years.

7. I then started intermediate school but most of my friends went to different schools but my best friend is still with me, although we didn't hang out a lot in year 7.

8. Year 8 came by and that's when I started hanging out with my best friend again and also met some new friends.

9. At the end of year 8 I separated with all my friends because I moved houses making me enrol in a different school than all my friends.

10. I now currently belong at Hornby High School with new friends and teachers.

Thursday 15 November 2018

Passion Project - Sugars in Food and Food Labels

For our third period for our passion project we had to measure levels of sugar in various foods. Most of the foods were food you would find in your lunch box.

My group took some pictures of various items and how much sugar are in the food items. The food items were a vitamin drink, energy drink (Red Bull), Peach jelly and a muesli bar.

Food Labels

For our second task we had 3 questions to answer and they are related to food labels like why is it a certain colour, what picture it has on it and what do the words mean. 

The drink I chose was vitamin water which was the first picture from the top on the first task. I think the colour is red because of the colour of blood and vitamins are in your blood. There is a picture of a rain drop which looks like a blood drop instead, basically saying vitamin goes in our blood again. The word it says is vitamin drink with no special fonts, I believe they are trying to make the design simple instead of appealing.

Passion Project - Move to Improve; Foods and Nutrution

For our second period at our Passion Project we watched a video explaining what nutrition do to your body whether it's benefits or consequences. 

One thing I learnt was that back then food didn't have as much vitamins which led to diseases. I learnt a lot of stuff about various nutrition but can't seem to remember there names.

One thing I want to know is what happens if you only ate healthy food in your life what will happen to your body.

Passion Project - Move to Improve; 12 Minute Run

For my Passion Project we had multiple fitness tests but our group chose the 12 minute run. I think I did pretty good because I somehow ran for 9 minutes straight even though I think I'm a short distance runner.

I completed 4 laps (400 meters a lap) in twelve minutes time and I researched online to see if 1600 meters is a average distance for people our age.

I couldn't find a distance for people our age for 1600 meters instead I found one for men who are from the 20 age range, It says 1600 meters is below average for people in that age range.

I reckon I did average for people in our age range.

Thursday 8 November 2018

English Creative Writing - Six Sentence Story

Our new task for English is creative writing. We had lot's of topic to write about and for my first topic I chose a short one just to warm up for the long ones.

Once upon a time, there was a man who was a bounty hunter. He lived in a village but disguise himself as a villager so no one would know his true identity. The man had the talent to scout out anything around him in a short period of time. However after he decided to take a break from taking bounties and then returning to his village, his village was invaded by a band of bandits. He felt anger and sadness when the village was basically gone and all the other villagers were tied up. The bounty hunter then observed his surroundings then carried out a plan to take out the bandits, then after he defeated the bandits the villagers got together then built a new home together. 

Friday 2 November 2018

English Film Study - Understand how Symbols can be used to Add meaning to a Film

For the last task this one is about how symbols can represent a meaning in films. I'm researching about the Draco Constellation.

I have decided to use Coggle for its easy interface.

English Film Study - Good Vs Evil Theme

For the second to last task we had to choose out of three themes that were in the movie. Good Vs Evil was my choice and unfortunately I only included three scenes that seems like major parts for Good Vs Evil.

I made it using a online Info graphic maker. Coggle - Mindmap

Thursday 1 November 2018

English Film Study - Understand how Characters are Developed in a Film

For the sixth task for film study we had to choose four lead characters and then understand how they reacted to challenges they faced.

For my first character it's a knight of the old code; Bowen

Characters Name - Bowen

A Challenge Faced by the Character - Draco being captured by the enemies.

How the Character Reacted - Bowen wanted to save Draco even though he was in enemy territory and none of his troops were willing to help him when he asked.

What that shows us about the Character - Bowen wanted to save an ally even though no one was willing to answer Bowen when he asked if anyone wanted to save the dragon with him. This shows Bowen will save his ally even if he is risking his own life.

Second Character will be the malicious king; Einon

Characters Name - Einon

A Challenge Faced by the Character - When the villagers were led by Bowen to storm his castle.

How the Character Reacted - Einon knew the villagers were led by Bowen and his troops were underestimating them. Einon told his troops to not underestimate Bowen.

What that shows us about the Character - Even though Einon harms his allies he also warns them about something dangerous they don't know about. I think this shows Einon does care for his allies or he just wants them alive to keep him alive or in other words he's using them as pawns.

The third character will be a peasant who escaped from Einon; Kara

Character Name - Kara

A Challenge Faced by the Character - Trying to stop Einon from killing her father.

How the Character Reacted - She begged Einon to release her father from the quarry by giving Einon reasons why. However Einon ends up killing the father then Kara tries to assassinate Einon even though he was hosting a party with all his troops.

What that shows us about the Character - I believe Kara is the type of person who will avenge anyone that is important to her even if it costs her life.

The last Character will be Draco

Character Name - Draco

A Challenge Faced by the Character - Draco trying to tell Bowen that dragons weren't at fault of Einon's Evil Nature.

How the Character Reacted - When Bowen stumbled upon Draco near a waterfall, Draco and Bowen had a fight from morning till night and Draco called for a truce between them. Draco and Bowen travelled through the night and Bowen started to trust Draco. These two then travelled together to try and stop Einon, it took Draco many days to convince Bowen that Einon was always evil once Bowen trusted Draco they both planned to storm Einon's castle with villagers they gathered but in the end these two can't always be together.