
Wednesday 30 May 2018

English - Merchant of Venice - Act 1 Scene 3 Questions

Act 1 Scene 3

1. Shylock is a Money Lender, does he seem eager to do business with Bassaino?
Shylock seems to be eager doing business with Bassaino as long Antonio can guarantee the loan.

2. Which does Shylock think is safe, His Business or Antonio's
I believe Shylock thinks his business is safe because he gets interest, so he's making profit

3. Why doesn't Shylock want to dine with Antonio?
Because Shylock hates Christians and Antonio is Christian

4. What strict principal of his Antonio is breaking to help Bassaino
I think it's because Antonio is asking money from a Jew because Christians help Jew

5. Shylock tells a bible story to prove that the taking of profit is blessed, as long as thieving is not involved. Does he convince Antonio? Give evidence.

Antonio doesn't get convinced because he said "God made it happen like that. Jacob didn't have any control over what happened"

6. Shylock Accuses Antonio of a whole catalogue of nastiness, how does Antonio respond the charges.

Antonio just answers back by saying he will do it again.

7. How does Bassaino react to the proposed bond.
Baassaino is shocked and doesn't want Antonio to do a contract like that.

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