
Wednesday 30 May 2018

Home Eco. - Vegetarian Nachos

This week at Home Eco. We cooked Vegetarian Nachos, they came out really "delicious" especially the chips. This time we had a full group of 4 and it was kind of easier to cooked with more people.

The Positives

  • Full Group
  • Lots of food
  • Easy Clean Up
The Negatives

  • The Food
  • Too Much Food
  • Not enough Chips

Next time I will stick to a smaller group cause I find it better


English - Merchant of Venice - Act 1 Scene 3 Questions

Act 1 Scene 3

1. Shylock is a Money Lender, does he seem eager to do business with Bassaino?
Shylock seems to be eager doing business with Bassaino as long Antonio can guarantee the loan.

2. Which does Shylock think is safe, His Business or Antonio's
I believe Shylock thinks his business is safe because he gets interest, so he's making profit

3. Why doesn't Shylock want to dine with Antonio?
Because Shylock hates Christians and Antonio is Christian

4. What strict principal of his Antonio is breaking to help Bassaino
I think it's because Antonio is asking money from a Jew because Christians help Jew

5. Shylock tells a bible story to prove that the taking of profit is blessed, as long as thieving is not involved. Does he convince Antonio? Give evidence.

Antonio doesn't get convinced because he said "God made it happen like that. Jacob didn't have any control over what happened"

6. Shylock Accuses Antonio of a whole catalogue of nastiness, how does Antonio respond the charges.

Antonio just answers back by saying he will do it again.

7. How does Bassaino react to the proposed bond.
Baassaino is shocked and doesn't want Antonio to do a contract like that.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

English - Merchant of Venice - Act 1Questions

Act One Scene One
1. Antonio is depressed without knowing why. What Two possible reasons do his friends suggest? 1a. His friend, Salarino said that he's too worried about his ships since he thinks they sunk. 1b. Also his friend said he's enjoying life too much

2. Do you think Gratiano's contributions help Antonio's mood? 
I think it helped Antonio a bit after Gratiano's lecture on life.

3. What are your first impressions on Bassino
My first impression on Bassino was that he a man asks for something but he returns it back.

4. Yes Bassino is in love with a rich girl, Portia

5. Bassino has to borrow money to marry Portia
Act One Scene Two 6. How do Portia's First words compare to Antonio's
Portia's first word says her poor is tired of this little world while Antonio says why is he sad so it's kind of simliar

7. What is the reason for her mood?
There are too much people after her and all of them don't fit Portia's taste.

8. Nerissa is kind of a help to her since she's like a maid like having information that Portia needs.

9. Sum up Portia's attitude towards the suitors.

Monday 28 May 2018

Technology - Maori Instrument/Tool

At Technology this week we made a type of Maori tool that made like a car engine sound. It was a simple to make but I ended up being slow at marking and ended up having to hand-sand the tool because someone used the sanding belt the wrong way and it ended up kind of making it not able to function.

Friday 25 May 2018

Technology - Structures

This lesson at Technology we learnt about how structures work, types of structures and what is a structure

What is a a Structure

Structure is basically a type of object or building made out of multiple parts to support it.

So if we take a simple table for example, a table wouldn't be able to stand on it's own without the help of the pegs (the long thick sticks under the table).  

Image result for table

Types of Structures

Shell Structure

Shell structure is the type where all the strength is on the outside and sometimes they are usually light. Lets take a plastic shopping bag for example, so a shopping bag works by holding your shopping's inside the bag with it being lightweight and strong.

Image result for plastic bag 

Frame Structure

My meaning of a frame structure is that types of materials in different shapes like beams or slabs are to support the load of something, like a house but there are some houses where it's not made out of a frame structure. If you watch some TV shows about house building or you just bust a hole in your wall you will mostly see wooden beams and that is the frame structure that is holding the load of our houses.

Image result for frame structure

Indiamart - Space Frame Structure

Natural Structures

My meaning for natural structures is stuff made by something other than humans, like Bees, Mountains, Nature, Leafs and a lot more. For example stuff like spider webs or honeycombs, they're not made by us humans but another type of species.

Image result for Honeycomb

Science - Refraction

Investigating Refraction - Bending Light

Aim: To investigate how light is affected by changing the substance it is travelling through.

Equipment: Ray Box, power source, glass or perspex block, single-slit ray slide.

Method: Collect the equipment from your teacher, and set them up to produce a single beam of light.

Part A: We had to place a glass block on the book protractor on the bottom side and see what was the angle of refraction. Here are our results

10 Degrees - 8
20 Degrees - 15
30 Degrees - 20
40 Degrees - 25

Part B: is just the opposite, glass block on top of the protractor

10 Degrees - 5
20 Degrees - 15
30 Degrees - 20
40 Degrees - 75

Thursday 24 May 2018

Music - NZ Musical Artist

This term at music we had to researched about a New Zealand music artist. Me and my partner decided to research about Lorde, a female singer.

We have done our work in a Google Slide

Monday 21 May 2018

Science - Reflection and Refraction

Image result for reflection and refractionThis week our task was to try and explain reflection and refraction. And we had to find two photos of explaining both of the words and we have to label one of the pictures.

Image - Key Differences
Image result for reflection and refraction
So I think Refraction is where something goes through and while reflection just bounces off.

So here are the definitions on both of the words

Reflection: Something bouncing off a body or surface of light, heat and sound without absorbing it.

Refraction: Refraction is the change of wave propgation due to a change in its transmission medium.

Sunday 20 May 2018

Technology - Aluminium Dog Tag

Last term we started making our dog tags, it was simple but hard for me since I don't really have much experience in metal work but it was fun because I got use varity of tools from cutting to marking. 

Unfortunatley I forgot to take some photos because I was pretty behind from the others which made me kind of under preassure but I caught up.

This term we are focusing on structures and we are kind of making a sign. 

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Home Eco. - Pita Pockets

This week we made Pita Pockets, the people who was in our group was me, Tana and Nishnit

My pita had Chicken, Tomato Cheese and sauces (Tomato,BBQ, Sweet Chilli and Mayo.

The negatives were we had lots of vegetables and we didn't clean our station properly

The positives were it tasted good and we worked fast

Next time we will actually try to cook to our best abillity

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Word Vomit - Term 2 Week 3

Word Vomit

Descriptive Writing

This man looks like a train driver and I think he just finished driving the train to all its destinations.
After finishing his job he found a monkey outside of the train which looks like a stray.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Word Vomit

-Term 2-

Week 1
Old Woman

This old woman is probably religious since she has blue as her main appearance colour like her lips and the clothing she is wearing. I think she has been in an accident because her cheeks has these type of scars or it might just be something you get when your old.

Week 2

Old ManThis guy is from the Monopoly board game because
he looks like him because he's old, has an beard and looks
like he's using one of those monocles. He probably is a
gambler from the old times