
Friday 31 May 2019

Digital Technology - Sphero Edu Game

In DTE we've been trying to code a game using blocks. We've been using this program called Sphero Education, this program controls these ball looking things. You can move these balls or Spheros by using a driving control in the app or you can code it using different methods such as blocks or text.

We've mostly learned about coding it with blocks and learning what different types of blocks do, Here are some blocks that we've learned about. Variables, Loop, Sound and many more. 

I've tried making a game where if you catch it you're either in or out and tried making different events where if you trigger them you are also out. I've used a game made by the Sphero team and tried taking ideas with the blocks that were put together and then tried replacing blocks or adding to it. In the end, it didn't work cause I couldn't figure a way for it to trigger multiple events at once. I've used blocks such as looping and blocks that would trigger something if it reaches a certain speed.

Here is my work.

Thursday 30 May 2019

Science Experiment - Neutralisation

For our third experiment which is about neutralization. Neutralization is about using acid or base to cancel each other to a neutral state.

Aim: To observe a neutralization reaction. 

Equipment: A test tube, test tube rack, 1 mol L-1 Na2CO3 (Sodium carbonate), 1 mol L-1 HCI (Hydrochloric Acid), dropper or dropper botle, Universal indicator solution.


Add approximately 1-2 mL of Na2CO3 and place the test tube into the test tube rack. Add 3-5 drops of Universal indicator solution. 

Using a dropper bottle, add HCI drop by drop. Be careful because adding even a small amount of extra acid can mean you'll miss the neutralization.



This was a cool experiment cause we get to see colors changing but it was hard to get one fully green. But we did make a multi-colored one which was worth it. The color would turn red if it was too much acid and it would be violet if it was mostly base.

Conclusion: Cool experiment and all but hard to make it turn green. Didn't really take long to do.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Science - Making Indicators

For science, we are doing an experiment where we use various items to make acid and base indicators. We are using cabbage as our indicator.

Aim: To make acid-base indicators using everyday substances.

Equipment: Red cabbage, tea, beetroot, turmeric, cranberry juice, a beaker, water, tripod, Bunsen burner, gauze mat, 1.0 mol L-1 HCI and 1.0 mol L-1 NaOH.


For Cabbage and Beetroot:

Chop the cabbage into small pieces until you have enough to fill 2 cups.

Place the cabbage in a large beaker and add water to cover the cabbage.

Boil over a Bunsen burner for at least ten minutes for the color to leach out of the cabbage.

Filter out the plant material to obtain a red-purple-bluish coloured liquid. This liquid is at about pH 7. (The exact colour you get depends on the pH of the water.)

Place in a small beaker and leave to one side.

Repeat this method for the beetroot.


Discussion: I think what happened was we used the cabbage which was the indicator then use a squeezy thing or a pipette then we took a bit of the cabbage then put it on the other items such as tea and turmeric.

Conclusion: The experiment was a success I guess, but the aim wasn't really correct because I don't eat cabbage. 

Wednesday 22 May 2019

English - Power of One SEXXY Paragraph

For English, we had been learning about film study with the movie of The Power of One. This movie is about an English boy who tries to help the Africans who had their country taken away from them. We had been learning how to use a certain type of sentence structure known has SEXXY and we've been learning how to use that sentence structure in movie shots such as the longshot down below. Carl has been helping me with this paragraph by suggesting ideas.

The guard is in the foreground showing the power and he’s holding a baton while the others in the background showing the lack of power.

In the long shot, we can see the guard holding a baton while looking at the others showing he has business with them.

Explanation and Effect on Audience

The explanation on this scene is the long shot gives us information on what’s to be anticipated/ The Effect it can give us is the emotions of fear because we know what is going to happen and it’s not going to be a good time.

Your Link

The Longshot of the officer about to hit Geel Piet can be contrasted to the scene where the Africans are going up to the hill where Maria’s grave who is an Africanus that is respected by the Africans while the officer is despised by the Africans.

Monday 20 May 2019

Social Studies - Life in London in 1850's - First Draft

For one of our migration tasks, we had to do creative writing on London in the 1850s which was a bad place full of pollution and people who had migrated to New Zealand from there. 

This long piece of writing was just an idea to draft to help me think of ideas for my actual piece of writing.

Writing - First Draft

"This place isn't going to last as long is it?" Robert said to himself. Robert wondered the streets of London trying to think of another place to settle. However, even if Robert found another place to settle he wouldn't be able to purchase a ride to another land.

Robert was a factory worker, he would do various types of jobs to get paid as much as possible. Robert was also a gentleman but his gentle-ness wouldn't last forever. Robert had a family of 3, his wife and daughter which were really precious to him. He would work and work to get paid and use the money to keep his family alive. However a day after work he saw a poster that promoted a paradise that was very far away. Robert didn't want to share this to his shut-in family because he knew he wouldn't have enough time to get tickets for his wife and daughter. This was when Robert started having evil thoughts about ditching his family just for paradise. Robert started making excuses about not getting paid but in reality, he had been hiding the money somewhere else. When Robert believed he had enough he told his family he would work longer but he sneaked out to the docks. The docks were noisy and cramped with people in the middle of the day. Robert pushed through people trying to leave as soon as possible without delay, however when Robert approached one of the crew members they said the prices of tickets that he couldn't afford. Robert was socked as he believed weeks of saving couldn't afford a single ticket The crew members said they won't go any lower than $200 dollars, but they did say there was a cheaper option, the steerage.

Robert boarded the ship giving all his savings to the crew member, he then also started having regrets of forsaking his family. Mixed emotions of fear and joy started affecting Robert, he tried suppressing these emotions by looking at the ocean or talking to others. Weeks have passed and not everyone was enjoying it as some have fallen and some have been crying in loneliness. Robert didn't know what to do than believing he's going to be fine and happy when he reaches paradise, New Zealand. Another few weeks have passed and more people have fallen ill and the fallen ill victim's conditions have gotten worse, but Robert distanced himself from people and tried forgetting about his family. After the few courses of months the crew members announced they would be arriving soon, everyone started having their hopes up again but for Robert, he started having regrets again on why he left his family.

The ships have reached their destination and everybody got off board. Robert looked at people going on their own ways but Robert didn't know what to do as he had no money and smelt horrible. Robert went around exploring for a way for money but he couldn't due to how he smelled o instead he went to shops begging for money or to clean himself. No one agreed to help him, Robert wandered the streets for a place to sleep in the night and what filled Robert's head was why he left his family just for himself. Days have passed and Robert didn't have the energy to walk, another few days have passed and Robert started having hallucinations at food and company. A week and a half have passed Robert no longer had any thoughts and felled asleep forever.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

P.E - Hockey Reflection

For our first blog post in P.E this term we are blogging about our reflection in hockey with questions about how well we think we did and what reflecting on skills.

1. On a scale of 1-10, rate yourself on how well you participated in the floor hockey lesson on Tuesday
I'll say a 7

2. Why did you rate yourself that way? Give 3 reasons for your rating.
One of my reasons is because I didn't really think before playing all I did was just rush towards the ball and then I didn't what to do.

My second reason is that I wasn't prepared because I should've done extra practice such as how to hold the stick comfortably cause I was changing the way I was holding the stick constantly.

My last reason was I kind of just didn't really participate in teamwork because I didn't really set it up to my team mate to get a advantage instead I just hit the ball away from our goal.

3. What skills do you think you did well?
I think I did the dribble well because half the time I didn't really lose the ball but at the same time I couldn't control the ball comfortably as well.

4. What skills did you use to pass and dribble the ball?
I just put myself in a comfortable position to hit the ball at full power if the ball was close to our goal and I would switch the way I hold the stick as well.

5. What do you think you need to improve on today's lesson? Once you have chosen a skill or strategy to improve, give 2 ways you will do that in P.E today.
I think I need to improve on how to dribble the ball perfectly and learn how to pass the ball correctly. I will do this by practising and thinking where the ball will go.

Monday 6 May 2019

Science - Model Atoms

For our first practical task in science, we had to make an atom model using beads, tape, blue tac, paper, and string. I used helium as my atom model.

Aim: to make a model atom
Equipment: Paper, Tape, Beads, Blue Tac, and String

Method: First I used 4 beads with the color red and green which are the colors for the protons and neutrons and only 4 because helium has an atomic number of 2. Then I put it into the strand of string causing it to hang in mid-air. I used paper to make a cutout circle and then colored in two dotes showing the electrons. Lastly, I attached the helium letters which are He.

Where do you find the protons? - You can find them in the nucleus
Size of atoms - They are really small that a microscope can't see them.
Charge - I'm pretty sure it's zero