
Monday 8 April 2019

Social Studies - Human Trafficking SEEL Paragraph

For out last paragraph on human trafficking related stuff. This one is about how human trafficking occur and how it takes away peoples rights and freedom.


S - Statement
E - Explain
E - Example
L - Link

S - Human trafficking exist because of money it's power to manipulate people. E - Money can be used to bribe people to do inhumane stuff especially when people need it to most and if people reject it will make surviving harder for the poor. E - Countries such as China have kids working in forced labour or even forced prostitution for money. Kids have there freedom taken away just because of the need of money, this shows how scary money is. L -  Money is an item that can easily deceive people but mostly in poor areas that are hard to earn money.

Thursday 4 April 2019

English - Story Reading - All Summer in a Day By Ray Bradbury

For our second task on our new topic, Narrative Arc we have to read this short story which is "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. This story is about kids who live on the planet Venus and they only get to see the sun every seven years. 

We have to do various tasks with the knowledge we gained by doing the past narrative tasks.

1. Find 3 words you don’t know the meaning of. Look them up and write the definitions in your post.

Tumultuous - A loud confused noise

Solemn - Being Serious

Blessed - Made Holy

2. Discuss the Exposition of the story -- what are the characters, setting, and mood?

There's this girl who's name is Margot, she gets bullied by other kids on Venus because the other kids are saying she doesn't know what the sun looks like even though she came from Earth. The mood is kind of mysterious because at the start we don't really know much about this Margot and why the Children are so keen to see the Sun.

3. List and label one metaphor, one simile, and one example of sensory language from the story.

Simile - "Their Cheeks like a warm iron"

Metaphor - "It was a colour of flaming bronze"

Sensory Language - "Trembling Hands"

4. List and label an example of show not tell from the story.

"She was an old photograph dusted from an album" Image result for Venus colony

Image Source - Devianart

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Social Studies - Child Soldiers SEEL Paragraph

This time at Social Studies we have to write another SEEL paragraph on why children are used in wars and how does takes away their humans rights and freedom.

S - Statement
E - Explain 
E - Example
L - Link

Here is my SEEL Paragraph

S - Adults can mainpulate children into becoming a soldier. E - Children at a young age don't understand whats right or wrong. E - Kids will listen to adults because kids tend to believe what ever comes out of an adults mouth is right. Adults have the power to control people, especially children by mainpulating them with words or even actions. L - Adults have massive control over children making them a slave without knowing they are one; ripped them of their freedom and rights because of a person's influence.

Social Studies - Child Soldier Map

For our new subject on Social Studies we have to make another map on child soldiers, this map include location of the worst countries with child soldiers. I did this task with a friend, Tana.

My Sentence on Child Soldiers.
I think a child soldier is a child who goes through dangerous battles unarmed or armed without really knowing what they are doing.

My Map
My map is showing some locations on countries that include child labour and some information about them.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Science - Cloning

For science our new topic is about cloning, how it's done and should it be used in certain ways.

Process of Cloning

1. Skin cell that contains 46 chromosomes is taken from a organism.

2. Egg cell containing 23 chromosomes is taken from a donor.

3. The Nuclei is removed from both cells

4. The nucleus containing all 46 chromosomes is inserted into the donor egg cell.

5. The egg cell now contains all the instructions to recreate that organism where the skin cell came from.

6. The egg is now surgically inserted into the donor's womb.

Source - Year 10 Scipad Book 2

The Ethics of Cloning
This part is where I answer various questions about cloning. These questions are from the Scipad

Cloning endangered animals to prevent extinction
I agree as long the animal doesn't cause any harm because why not have more animals.

Cloning highly reproductive plants and animals for resources.
I agree as long they are treated fairly because everyone is trying to survive but it's cruel using other organisms for our needs.

Cloning an victim of terminal disease.
I disagree because this is just cruel especially if they are used for research purposes.

Cloning people for military uses.
I disagree because not only the people used for military uses are suffering but also the people giving birth to them.

Cloning humans for organs
I disagree because this is just saving a life while making it miserable for another.

Cloning famous people for advancement towards the human race.
I disagree because this is kind of an cruel experiment by forcing them to be smarter than before.

Image result for cloning
Picture Source