
Thursday 2 August 2018

Health Education: Interpersonal Skills for Business

What Did I learnt about: I learnt various of things like being resilient can help you in jobs and anywhere as well, being able to cope with changes can help as well.

Anything That was Difficult to Understand
It was kind of difficult to understand what being resilience is cause I thought it mean toughness physically

How did I relate to the "Who moved my cheese Video"
There was one time where I was playing a game and it was my resilient story. Long story short we never gave up on a certain activity no matter how long it took. The change was that we kept using the same strategy but we made more progress when we made a different strategy. 

How could I apply my new Knowledge to the Business Kete
I could be resilient when I have a job I could like ask people if I need help without hesitating and never giving up when I fail.

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