
Friday 10 August 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act 4 Scene 1

Act Four Scene One

1. The Duke believes that Shylock will claim his bond without showing mercy

2. Shylock wants to claim his bond because Antonio couldn't pay the money back in time.

3. The Duke can dismiss the court session unless the judge comes which is Portia

4. I think Portia is saying to show mercy because it's a blessing and it's the most powerful thing.

5. Shylock now has to give in to Christianity and he loses all his possessions but the money will be given to the state and Antonio

6. Antonio says to tell tales on how much he is a friend to Bassanio

7. Portia convinced Bassaino to get his ring off him where he promise never to take it off to his wife (Portia was in Disguise therefore Bassaino didn't know it was Portia)

8. Portia is trying to show as much mercy as she could so Shylock doesn't have to suffer any consequences

1. A4S1 L70-80  

1. Ask the ocean to get smaller
2. Ask the wolf why he killed the lamb and made his mother cry
3. Tell the pine trees on top of the mountain to stop waving their treetops when a storm blows through them.

2. A4S1  L90-100

The example he gives goes like asking someone's possession to do something and they refuse. 

I prefer Antonio's comparisons because their are simple and easy to understand but Shylock's comparisons are indeed more powerful than Antonio's.

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