
Thursday 30 August 2018

Health Education: Whare Tapa Wha

Whare Tapa Wha is about a house and each wall represents each well being. Spiritual, Physical, Emotional and Social.

I participated not so well in my group because the group I was in had relied on me.

It was challenging when I had to write about mental well being because I didn't know what mental well being was so I just wrote my own definition 

Wednesday 29 August 2018

English: Film Study - Camera Techniques

For our second film study task we had to post pictures of different camera angles I made a google drawings showing all the camera angles we were given. 

They are seperated into 3 different categories and it's most likely some are wrong in the categories.

English: Film Study - Language of Visual and Sound Techniques

At English we started to study about flims, for this task we had to find definitions of certain words and I made a kahoot to the meanings of these certain words.

Note: You need two devices to play this kahoot or make a extra tab one for hosting and the other one for playing.
Each question will have a 20 second limit

My Kahoot

Thursday 23 August 2018

SoSt - Poi

At social studies I researched about the Maori instrument Poi.
I made a poster on it regarding some information. But all my other work was on my other friends slide and we combined all the information together but here's my one.


Wednesday 22 August 2018

Health: Assertiveness

At health I learnt how to be assertive and what does assertive means. Being assertive means being confident and sharing ideas without being aggressive.

How do I deal with conflict. I usually deal with conflict in a passive way because being aggressive is just going to make more problems. 

During the Business Kete how could I keep myself calm. I probably will just try to adapt to the current situation and get prepared for any problems. 

Thursday 16 August 2018

Science: Experiment - Biuret Test (Protein)

This week at science we've been trying to see which food has certain nutrients. Today we did protein, we tested out eggs and milk. Some were successful and some didn't really give any results

Aim: To test if a sample of food contains protein

Equipment: Test tube, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), copper sulfate  (CuSO4), food sample.


1. Place about 2mL of the sample into a test tube and add 5 drops of sodium hydroxide

2. Add 5 drops of copper sulfate. 

3. Shake the test tube gently from side to side.

Result: If the solution remains blue, then no protein is present. If the solution changes to a purple colour then protein is present in the sample.

Here are some pictures

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Health: Mindfulness/ Body Cues

What did I learnt about: I learnt being mindful can help you understand the present situation so if there was a robbery you can stay calm and think calmly how to escape safely. 

I also learnt that if you could understand body cues it might help someone because you could approach the person and help him if he/she is showing uneasy body cues.

Was there anything difficult to understand: Reading body cues for the first was kind of hard for me because I could only understand the simple and basic ones like smiling or crying.

When I talked to a classmate how did I know what they were feeling: I could understand some like if I say something funny they will laugh and rest I couldn't really understand that much.

How can I apply my new knowledge to the Business Kete: If I get worried or overwhelmed I could understand the current situation and try to adapt to it. If I could understand body cues I can help someone that's in my group like if they are feeling uneasy I might take over for them.

My Evidence

Friday 10 August 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act 4 Scene 1

Act Four Scene One

1. The Duke believes that Shylock will claim his bond without showing mercy

2. Shylock wants to claim his bond because Antonio couldn't pay the money back in time.

3. The Duke can dismiss the court session unless the judge comes which is Portia

4. I think Portia is saying to show mercy because it's a blessing and it's the most powerful thing.

5. Shylock now has to give in to Christianity and he loses all his possessions but the money will be given to the state and Antonio

6. Antonio says to tell tales on how much he is a friend to Bassanio

7. Portia convinced Bassaino to get his ring off him where he promise never to take it off to his wife (Portia was in Disguise therefore Bassaino didn't know it was Portia)

8. Portia is trying to show as much mercy as she could so Shylock doesn't have to suffer any consequences

1. A4S1 L70-80  

1. Ask the ocean to get smaller
2. Ask the wolf why he killed the lamb and made his mother cry
3. Tell the pine trees on top of the mountain to stop waving their treetops when a storm blows through them.

2. A4S1  L90-100

The example he gives goes like asking someone's possession to do something and they refuse. 

I prefer Antonio's comparisons because their are simple and easy to understand but Shylock's comparisons are indeed more powerful than Antonio's.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Health Education: Interpersonal Skills for Business

What Did I learnt about: I learnt various of things like being resilient can help you in jobs and anywhere as well, being able to cope with changes can help as well.

Anything That was Difficult to Understand
It was kind of difficult to understand what being resilience is cause I thought it mean toughness physically

How did I relate to the "Who moved my cheese Video"
There was one time where I was playing a game and it was my resilient story. Long story short we never gave up on a certain activity no matter how long it took. The change was that we kept using the same strategy but we made more progress when we made a different strategy. 

How could I apply my new Knowledge to the Business Kete
I could be resilient when I have a job I could like ask people if I need help without hesitating and never giving up when I fail.