
Monday 2 July 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Three, Scene Three

Act Three, Scene Three

1. Antonio believes that Shylock wants to claim his bond is because he gives money to people that haven't payed their loans to Shylock.

2. Because apparently it threatens the security of foreign merchants in Venice.

3.  I think it's because he doesn't care what happens to him and Shylock keeps on insisting claiming his bond.

4.  I think Antonio has a bit of hate towards Bassanio because he says "I hope to God that Bassaino comes to see me pay his debt" It's kind of phrase with no kindness in it

-Mercy isn't really the same as forgiveness because mercy is where you forgive them but not fully forgive them while forgiveness is which you just forgive them fully.

-   It kind of depends on the situation if someone did something that you really hated you wouldn't forgive them but search for revenge so it really depends on how big the deal is.

- I think so because justice is the same thing as fairness since justice is where you do something you believe is morally right, and fairness is in justice

- I believe Shylock will have justice unless something like a law or something interferes. 

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