
Wednesday 21 March 2018

English - Wonder Book Work

Will Be Updating This.


  1. That he could look ordinary. If I could change something about my appearance it will be my nose

  1. You can’t really be ordinary since everyone is basically different. What makes August extraordinary is that he can deal with the people without running away

  1. They get shocked and then stare at him

  1. Going somewhere all confident but unaware of all the dangers.
  2. I would send him to school because he’s going to miss out on lots of things that might be important to him like socializing, knowledge and other stuff.

  1. That's he’s not going to school I think. Her mum did it so he won’t be scared or worried about going somewhere else. White lies are probably not okay to tell because if you tell them the truth they can somehow get over it.

  1. A fake smile

  1. No eye contact, not being polite, doesn’t want be touched by August and asking lots of questions. August deals with it by just answering his questions and ignoring him.

Pg 41-80

  1. He has a padawan thing on his hair and he said one of his teachers look like a star wars character. I guess he has aspire of star wars because of the Jedi Apprentice thing the Padawan

2. Julian asked August who’s your favourite character. He wanted to slide under the desk because everyone probably was looking at him. Julian asked those questions because he was into star wars as well.
3. “Just because your correct doesn’t mean you’re right” - Shirou Emiya. Either that or being kind can develop a bond between each other cause probably the teacher wants everyone to be nice to each other

4. Cause August mother kept on asking him questions and he wanted the backpack to cover him but his mum insisted to take it away from him.

5. His face and probably the way he eats
6. Aversion is something you very dislike. August had a strong aversion because he doesn’t want everyone to see his face

7. Probably because people think it’s a type of sickness and  they don’t want to catch or either people just think August looks disgusting

8. My opinion on Jack Will hasn’t changed because he’s basically August’s only friend for now

9. He probably will and end up supported by everyone later in the book.

PG 41-80
Can Do’s

  1. Research. The syndrome affects the development of the bones and the tissues of the face.
  2. Vocabulary. Contagious: A disease that gets spread by direct contact. Exception: Something that’s excluded. Recital: A performance with a small group or a soloist. Aversion: Something that you very dislike Mortality: You can die unlike immortality where you can’t die

PG 81-117

  1. The point of view is different because it’s now focusing on Via not August

2.  She might get bullied and get called names. Having no friends because people might think she has something like a face disease. Not getting to socialize because of August’s Face.

3. She said that because the other planets orbit the sun like taking care of it

4. I agree because everyone should have their own definition of what normal means to them

5. She likes being called Olivia because she feels like her home and her school is like different places in a sort

6.  The chances will be probably low because that was like a special condition you get born with not by DNA

7. She called him Major Tom? Because it was part of the space oddity song.

8.  Via is a honest, kind and caring girl she cares for anyone that’s in trouble. I kind of empathise with her because she has to care for August and take care of herself at the same time.

9. There will be rumours about him everywhere and everybody will ignore him

PG 81-117
Can Do’s

  1. Musical August’s nickname is Major Tom given by Miranda and the song mentions about wearing a helmet which August wears.

  1. Vocabulary Fashionista: A person who designs expensive clothes by leading fashion houses Celestial: Something that’s positioned in the sky or above. Flabbergasted: Surprising someone or getting surprised greatly. Sarcastic: Where you use irony to mock people or something. Meticulously: Something that shows great attention to detail. Illuminating: Lighting up. Transition: A process of something changing to another.

PG 118 - 157

  1. She didn’t really had an reaction because all the other kids didn’t ignored him and Summer didn’t really know why so she just sat with him. They became friends because they had names that were related to the season, summer or she just felt like it.
  2. So people can ask her questions about why being friends with August and the Julilan boy wanted to go out with Summer
  3. Two of them are kind of in a similar situation like they have lost a family member each and they both have some type of symptom
  4. I think it means that people been through the same situation will understand it while the people who haven't experienced it won't understand
  5. He was annoyed cause he didn't want to go back to school that early to show someone around the school but then he felt bad for August when his little brother got scared of August and ran away
  6. He feels like August can be a really good friend because they tell jokes to each other and they both laugh at each others jokes, they like to hangout with each other, tell each other stuff. So basically they both are really good friends for each other. Jack feels disgusted when he realises he been backstabbing August when August was dressed up as Scream but not Boba Fett.
  7. Jack punched Julian because Julian kept on making fun of Jack hangout with August. In my opinion I felt like it was the right thing to do because if he didn't punch Julian, Julian would've kept on making fun and won't shut up and he might've asked his friends to make fun of August to get August out of the school.
  8. For me Jack is kind and caring person for his friends but he can get off-guarded when he hangs out with the wrong people and end up backstabbing his friends without realising.
  9. August will probably react like Julian deserved the punch because August didn't really like Julian in the first place. This will probably have little effect on their friendship like a closer bond.

PG 118 - 157
Can Do's

 Musical: The song kind of went from sadness to happiness and I guess it felt epic at the end.

Vocalbulary: Morphed: Something or someone changed into something else. Artefact: Something made by a human that relates to history. Biracial: Someone that's from two different races. Sympathetic: Showing Sympathy to someone. Illuminate: Something that lighted up. Phony: Something that's false Technically: Something that's true but said in a different way.

PG 158-204

1. She probably photo-shopped August out of the picture was because she felt like it ruined the school photo.

2. I believe Julian's mother just wants to get rid of stuff that she thinks that can affect Julian's school in a bad way.

3. I disagree because Beecher Prep is not an inclusion school and August needs to learn social skills or else in his adulthood he will have alot of problems

4. Jack just kind of ignored them

5. Justin was just stressed about meeting Via/Olivia's parents. His nervousness showed by his tics popping out and the meeting went great by having Justin telling the parents about his hobbys and past.

6. Each greeting has a meaning like Via is a kiss to a cheek representing his lover, August is a fist pump which young kids do to each other, Via's mother is a hug because is not too formal and the dads is just a handshake which is not too formal tooo

7. Well it might've been a good idea because some kids who get scared easily will leave Jack alone but kids that get cocky and such can just start spreading rumours about Jack and Justin

8. Via feels bad because she was born normal without any problems unlike August who had to deal with everyone because of his face and she isn't right because you couldn't do anything about August getting the syndrome

9. It had no grammar and it's kind of wrote in Justin's perspective

PG 158-204
Can Do's

Dissed - Speaking Disrespect manner
Sarcastically - Using irony to mock people or stuff
Tics - A type of syndrome where you make sudden muscle movements
Immaculate - Perfectly clean
Monologue - A long speech by a actor in a play
Theorems - A propostion proved by chains of reasoning

PG 205-248

1. So that August wouldn't have to worry about his parents getting insulted because of August's face

2. August is getting more comfortable with his school

3. August was mad at first because they looked bad on him because on his face but then the doctor liked star wars and August found out and then they talk about star wars which made August more comfortable with his hearing aids

4.  Because Via doesn't want everyone to see August and then August will get made fun of and her mother said August wouldn't enjoy the show was because it was grown-up play

5. So everybody will have the feeling of being prasied and getting more comfortable with strangers

6. Sadness mostly since everybody had a special connection to Daisy especially August

7. I think it was because August and his family was there and then she got nervous or either mostly of her friends said it was a waste of time

8. I never really focoused on Miranda much but all I know is Miranda is a girl who tries to blend in with her friends by doing what her friends do

PG 205-248
Can Do's

Mayhem - Extreme Choas
Taciturn - A person who doesn't communicate much
Gazillon - A very large quanity of items
Sarcastic - Using irony to mock people
Hysterically - Wildly uncontrolable emotion
Bittersweet - Pleasure but with pain and sadness

PG 249-End

1. August was scared because he never had a actual sleep over and he will be missing his parents for two days.

2. Eddie is basically a grown-up verison of Julian but Julian is a bit more nicer than Eddie and Eddie's character is someone who messes around with someone who is weaker and have problems with their live. On Julian on the other side is someone who tries to get rid of someone without physical being involved

3. August relationship has changed big time so basically it went from who that disgusting guy to this awesome little guy

4. August definitely deserve the medal not only he has ignored him getting bullied but he made other peoples true colors come out like Jack, Amos, Miles or just his friends has become nicer and more caring which the school is aimming for.

5. August at the beginning of the book was just a child who was scared to show his face to anyone but at the end August grew up so much that he could now take insults and can be comfortable with his face in public. His friends, family, teachers and friends of friends contributed to this change

6. My favourite character was Jack Will, he had a huge impact on this story, being August first friend at beecher prep and he was the reason why August got more friends. Jack and August become friends which lead to socializing and August didn't really socialize with anyone apart from his family.


8. August future holds more challenges being able to interact with older people soon and maybe relationships as well

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