
Wednesday 27 April 2022

Art - Catch-Up on Do Nows

 School Holidays let's go. Homework time

So in Art class, I'm quite behind on some tasks (Do Nows). Since the school holidays are in progress; I'll use this chance to do some catch-up work.

Week 6

- Redraw your company name in different styles 

Here are some initial quick concepts of trying to draw my company name (Abstracity) in different styles. (These were already drawn pretty early on but I had not shared them until now). To be honest I reckon that the drawings above are quite bad and can be improved. Although I believe around this time I was still trying to figure out the identity of my company. I will probably revisit this and draw more up-to-date and higher-effort concepts.

- Take Notes on Aaron Draplin's Logo Design Challenge Video

This was actually done as a separate blog post, I believe it's under this exact blog post too. Probably won't repost it here as it does take quite a large amount of space.

-Redraw the First letter of your Company Name in different styles

This goes the same as the other drawing task above. It had been drawn around a time when I was still trying to figure out what exactly my company is. I would like to revisit this in the future and improve it. For now, I'll keep this here to remind myself what I had started with and ended with. 

Week 7

-Folio Layout + Initial Brief

Here is a part of the portfolio. The portfolio is still a work in progress, but the initial brief is there :)

-Notes on Aaron Draplin's Video

I don't know if this is the same task as the previous week's one, I'm just going to leave it blank here as I had already done it. I believe the notes I had taken were good enough in length and cover a good amount of detail too.

- Moodboard Revision

Here is my recreated Moodboard in Google Drawings. I don't think I've shared my previous mood board though. The previous mood board was pretty bland and boring as it was just 3 separate google slides. For this one, I just kept it simple enough while still being somewhat pleasing to look at.

Here is the link to the Moodboard as the image might not be the highest quality: Moodboard

- Logo Generation

I had previously made a blog post on my initial concept logos that I had already made. I'm going to rather just put my most updated design yet, and share a few details on it as well.

Here is what I'm currently working on. I'm just to incorporate what you would see in a Cityscape/Urban setting into something that reflects apparel-related. My idea here is to sort of make a suit shape out of shapes to keep in the theme of being abstract. However, my teacher had suggested an idea where I make the center of my design which is supposed to be the suit's tie into a centerline. This centerline also takes perspective into account for a more engaging design. My next steps for this are probably trying to refine it. The side shapes of the logo also look like buildings which is a potential design choice as well.

-My Portfolio with the addition of the mood board

Hey, It looks pretty good, doesn't it?

Week 8

-Share logo work with another Senior Designer

Currently doing this at home and during holidays. Might have to put this off until I have a chance to share with it someone else during class. 

-Revisit Brief 

For this task, I revisited the brief I had filled in earlier on in the term. This brief isn't the one you see in the portfolio but rather a proper brief that covers the details of your company. For this task, I had rewritten some of the stuff for more clarity and to also add more to it as well. The things that we were asked to add to our brief were: The Look and Feel of our Product, Existing Competition, and Budget. 

I had complied this into a page in Google Doc. But Here's the whole Brief.

- Share Illustration Work and Brief

Here is all the illustration work I've done so far. It's just logo design at this point, and very early concepts as well. 

I've already shared my Brief above as well.


So far in Art, I have a lot to do. I think the area I need to focus on is to take a step back and try to create a strong foundation to work off. To me the foundation is the identity of my company and color choice/palette. Once I get that sorted I should be able to have a solid plan of what to do. Other than that I just have these catch-up work to do for now.

Week 9

The majority of Week 9 Do Nows require me to swap my logo idea with another designer student. This isn't a good time as everyone is in School Holidays. I'll do this once I get back at school and have it done as a seperate blogpost.

Week 10

I have done majority of the task for Week 10, and they have been uploaded as blogposts. I'll Link them down below


-Logo Concept Drawings

This tasks ask us to draw 6 new logos again. This is probably because we now have a better understanding of what our company is. Since I have developed/illustrated a potential logo; this would probably serve as further inspiration for me. I do like Numbers 1, 3 and 6 though.

Ok, that probably is everything. My next steps are probably to start working on a poster once I get the logo sorted.

1 comment:

  1. All of your drawings are actually good; they show thought and where your head is at, so don't stress that they are 'needing improvements' because they aren't. As they are will work on your folio too. concepts 1, 3 and 5 look worthy of development (Im sure as I read on I will see. more work).


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