
Monday 30 July 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act 3 Can Do's

Act Three Can Do''s

1. Chinese Iron Maiden. The Chinese Iron Maiden is basically a coffin full of spikes, it's used by putting a person into the coffin then closing it which will result in death.
Image result for chinese iron maiden Image: Pinterest   Information: Wikipedia
2. The Chair of Torture. 
The Chair of Torture is a chair that's also full of spikes where they just placed a person on the chair suffering from pain but there are also different variations for this chair like placing a person over a open fire getting roasted slowly. 
Image result for chair of torture Image: Pinterest Information: Wikipedia

3. The Brazen Bull.
The Brazen Bull is a torture device where they forcefully fit a person into a bull sculpture and then light the fire under the bull sculpture slowly roasting the person alive. 
Image result for brazen bull Image: AllThatsInteresting Information: Wikipedia

Tainted - Contaminate or pollute something
Ecstasy - Overwhelming feeling of happiness
Converted - Change form of something
Vantage - A place offering a good view of something
Oration - A formal speech especially given on ceremonial occasions
Constitution - A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to a state
Envious - Feeling or showing envy
Forfeit - Lose or be deprived of something as a penalty for wrong doing  

Thursday 19 July 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Two Scene 4-5

Act Three Scene Four

1. Lorenzo's opinion on Antonio is that he is a wonderful and faithful man

2. She intends to use money to save Antonio

3. Portia asks Lorenzo to look after her house because she said that she will live a life of prayers and contemplation until her husband Bassaino comes back.

4. I think it's because Portia thinks that if Antonio is her husband best friend they must be alike

5. I think woman back then couldn't enter the court room or their opinions were just avoided.

6. She would wear her sword gracefully, speak like a teenage boy and walk with a manly stride.

7. During the court room, no 

Act Three Scene Five

1. Because you can still get punished if your father commited any sins.

2. She thinks having Portia as a wife is a blessing as he found heaven on earth.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

Art: Reflection

On the last day of school which is today we had been given a sheet with questions related to our experience with art. 

1. What did you find most challenging about the print design process?

A. Drawing Thumbnail sketches
B. Drawing a Final A5 Design
C. Transferring the image to the lino
D. Cutting the Lino with Gouges
E. Printing even Quality Prints

I found Drawing a final A5 design hard because I didn't know what really to draw and I had to think about if it was good when cut out on the lino and then printed.

2. What did you find most challenging about the painting composition process??

A. Drawing Thumbnail Sketches
B. Composing a Final Drawing for A3
C. Developing a colour scheme with three main colours
D. Mixing Colour or Mixing Lighter and Darker Tones
E. Applying Colour to the Paper

I found Drawing Sketches and painting hard because it's the same for cutting since you need something that's good for painting like having lots of colours and space but I just went with something simple or else I'll need a lot of colours.

3. What mistake did you make that taught you something?

Never draw in colouring pencils, I found out it can't be rubbed out easily like pencil

4. What was the most successful about your work?

The most successful thing about my work was it kind of was easy to cut on the lino.

5. What could I do to improve my work?

I could practice by trying more advanced stuff than the basics.

Monday 2 July 2018

English: Merchant of Venice - Act Three, Scene Three

Act Three, Scene Three

1. Antonio believes that Shylock wants to claim his bond is because he gives money to people that haven't payed their loans to Shylock.

2. Because apparently it threatens the security of foreign merchants in Venice.

3.  I think it's because he doesn't care what happens to him and Shylock keeps on insisting claiming his bond.

4.  I think Antonio has a bit of hate towards Bassanio because he says "I hope to God that Bassaino comes to see me pay his debt" It's kind of phrase with no kindness in it

-Mercy isn't really the same as forgiveness because mercy is where you forgive them but not fully forgive them while forgiveness is which you just forgive them fully.

-   It kind of depends on the situation if someone did something that you really hated you wouldn't forgive them but search for revenge so it really depends on how big the deal is.

- I think so because justice is the same thing as fairness since justice is where you do something you believe is morally right, and fairness is in justice

- I believe Shylock will have justice unless something like a law or something interferes.