
Tuesday 1 September 2020

DVC - Rendering Internal AS91066

 In DVC we had started our rendering internal. The internal requires us to render our bottle using colors to communicate what material is our bottle and many other things. This bottle was based off our initial design at the start of the year which we had to include a filtration system as well.


What did you like?

I like coloring in my bottle and using colors to communicate what kind of bottle it is. This means telling the viewer what kind of material the bottle is made out of, and stuff like if it's transparent or not.

What didn't you like?

I didn't like how my bottle was designed as it made the rendering process hard. This was also my first time rendering as well so that didn't help. how shadows worked are complicated as well.

How do you like it? Is there any feedback?

I found the process kind of fun but it was annoying as I didn't know what looked good or not. I also didn't know what shadows are supposed to work as well.

Next time we could learn some rendering skills before doing our rendering internal. 

Monday 31 August 2020

English - Black Panther

 In English class, we watched Black Panther, for our film study exam. In the movie, we learn about a fictional country known as Wakanda.

1. Summarise the film

In the film we see Wakanda which is a country in a poor continent but Wakanda is hidden and more advanced than any other country. The main character known as T'challa becomes king and faces threats to Wakanda.

2. Discuss a key idea from the film 

Wakanda is a hidden country with all the nescessary needs to solve all of the world's problems. However T'challa and the people of Wakanda knoows if they were to give them their resources it may turn for the worse instead of good. Erik Killmonger who is the main villian of the movie wants to steal the throne from T'challa and spreads all their resources to across the world all because to avenge to his father.

Thursday 23 April 2020

English - Film Study - Aspects of Film

In English this year we are learning about film and different types of techniques and aspects of it. This task involves writing down about vast aspects of film.

How does Tone work in Film?

- What else can we call tone in a film?


- What are the 3 main elements of tone?

Lighting, Exposure, and Art Direction

- How and why does Coppola use tone in the classic film 'The Godfather'?

He uses the dark tone to represent the mafia which is all about violence and death but inside that dark tone, there is light which is the outside that is about joy and life.

-How can directors control the feelings of the scenes?

Through the props, wardrobe, and brightness of a scene


 - What is a Motif
Something that's a recurring theme so something like an image or object to represent something like a symbol
 - Why are they Important?
To tell the stories theme and to develop that theme
 - What makes a great work of artThe recurring theme that can be missed out unless the film is watched again to see the hidden details


 - What are 3 ways directors use blocking in a film?
 - What are the 3 basic shapes for film blocking?
 - What are the emotions associated with these shapes?
Circles feel inclusive and safer
Square creates limited space
Triangles are sharp and feel aggressive
 - What two things can blocking help with?
Blocking can tell us what really is going on
It also is a guide for the movie crew.


- What are ways directors can contrast in film?
Art Direction
Camera Movement
- What is contrasted in Spike Jonze's Ad?
From everything from the start to the end
- Why did he contrast these things?
It's to make things emotional, meaningful, and intellgient as well.

Point of View

- What is a POV shot?
To show us the characters point of view
- What is a 'point of thought' shot?
To show us a characters view on where something may be
- Why are they important?
To allow us to share the emotion the characters is having.

Production Design

- What is production design?
The overall look of the production
- What makes up production design?
Set Design
- What are the 3 main things production design can help reveal?

Establishing Shot

- What is an establishing shot?
To establish a scene
- Why is it used?
It's the opener for new scenes
- Why are establishing shot usually the most expensive
Because you see everything

Dutch Angle

- The Dutch Angle does what?
To create something unsettling and to make the feeling of something is wrong
- What is a Dutch Angle?
It's a camera shot with a noticible tilt
- Who and when created the dutch angle?
The German expressionist used it in the early 1990s
- What 3 things do directors need to consider for the Dutch Angle?
Identifying the moment to use it.
Consider the moment
To enhance the moment
What 4 things can enhance a Dutch Angle? 
Degree of Tilt
Camera Height
Lens Choice
Depth of  Field 


- How does colour in film affect poeple?
It can draw out emotions and it has a physlogical effect on us
- What are the 3 factors in determining colour?
- Why is the hue in 'The Matrix' mostly green?
The Matrix takes part in a digital world and we associate the color green with code.
- Why do some films desaturate?
It gives the film world a cold like feeling and it takes us back in time
- What can brightness and a lack of brightness show in a film?
To create a contrast within the film.